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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Hi everybody!

I guess most of you are out celebrating St. Patty's Day. As a good, old fashioned Irish girl, I suppose that I should be out there sucking beer and shooting Buttery Nipples but I have to be a good girl and, contrary to what the people who "assessed" me for alcohol use think, I don't drink. I might have had a drink a couple of times a year before this crap with my license happened, but all in all, I don't enjoy it. I don't like the taste of it and I don't like the way it makes me feel.

Now, there WAS a time in my life when I drank until they said, "We ain't got no more liquor, Meg! Go home!" But, then I had to start taking a medication that, like Antabuse will do, made me sick when I took it. I took that stuff for years and years before brain surgery made it unnecessary. When I had the surgery and no longer needed that drug, I thought..."Yippee! I can drink again!" Then, I realized that I had developed an aversion to alcohol. I was dismayed. I enjoy a nice beer buzz as much as the next person, I just can't finish a drink.

Well, there were a few times that I was able to put a few back but that only happens a couple of times a year. The fact that I don't drink hasn't stopped them from making me go to alcohol classes once a week for 6 months at 40 bucks a pop. Having worked in the area, I know how those things work. You tell them that you don't drink and they shout...
"Denial!!!" Oh well...that won't stop me from saying it because I DON'T drink...and they can't make me. When I was in the slammer, a friend of mine said that I should offer to go to drug and alcohol classes in an attempt to get out of jail. That irritated me. I would rather serve a year for something that I DID DO than two hours for something that I DIDN'T do. I know that may sound foolish, but that's just me.

Oh, I just felt the need for a cup of coffee...BRB.

Ah, a nice cup of coffee and some donut holes. Who could ask for anything more? Donuts have been on sale at Kroger for a couple of weeks now...10 boxes for 10 bucks. I have to shop more economically than I ever, ever have in my life now. If it wasn't for the money that people have sent me via that donation button, I wouldn't even have the food that I do have now. The probation lady in Bartow asked me how I've been getting by and I had to tell her that a few people have sent me money through this blog. She was amazed at that concept. I had to give her the URL to this thing to show her what I meant. Anyway, I thank God for those folk...they couldn't possibly know how much that has helped me.

There's one guy who has offered to buy me a bike so that I could get around a bit...but the one he sent me the ad to was $179. I feel guilty accepting that much from any one person. At first I said no immediately and then I started thinking about it. My doctor's office is too far to walk but it would be a nice bike ride. Also, a bike would increase the area in which I could travel to find work. So, now, I'm sorry that I told him no.

It's amazing how nice some people can be to someone that they've never met. My own family hasn't even called me since I got out of jail and strangers are offering me help. I know that my family is wrapped up in their own lives, but it's still so extremely sweet of the people who have helped me out. I literally wouldn't have food if it weren't for them. I will be eternally grateful and I will, when I'm able, "pay it forward". I've promised them and I've promised God. So, if I don't want to burn in hell for all eternity, I better do it.

As I type this, sipping on a cup of coffee, millions of people are all over the place slamming beer and other alcoholic drinks down, toasting the Irish and anything else that they choose to drink to. I hope they're having a great night...mine isn't so fun, but I have accomplished a few things. I gave my dog a bath, that was fun. He's shedding and my tub was so full of dog hair that I had to spend close to an hour scrubbing and bleaching it out out in case I should decide to bathe myself.

I have to go to sleep early tonight so that I can get up and go to May's house to care for her tomorrow. I don't have to be there until 11 but the only way that I can get a ride over there is to have my son come pick me up on his way to work (YES! He finally got a job!) and he has to be there at 7. Then, I have to wait for him to get off to get a ride home so even though I'll only get paid for 4 hours, I have to stay there for over 8 hours. Once again, it's better than nothing so, even though I want to, I can't bitch about it.

I've gotten the house clean so that I don't come home to a mess when I get back from May's tomorrow. The last load of laundry is in the washer so soon I'm going to lie down on my couch and watch a mini-marathon of That 70's Show. I actually like that. There are so few shows that I can tolerate on television that I'm tickled pink when I find one that I can abide.

I've come up with an idea for a job...actually one of my blog buddies suggested it. I'm going to call taxicab companies and ask them if they need a dispatcher, car washer or trash can emptier. I was thinking that maybe they would have a cab that could pick me up and take me to the office. It may not work, but it's worth a try.

A little while ago I made myself some pork and beans and slathered them in onions. That's one of those things that you should really be alone to do. I would hate to offend anyone with the "side effects" of either one of the ingredients of that little culinary delight. It'd be fun if Rick or his cohort in flatuence (my son) were here, but barring those two, there isn't anyone else who would deserve to be in the same room with me this evening.

OK, it's time for me to lie down on my couch watching That 70's Show and farting. If I stop at this one cup of coffee, I should be able to fall alseep within an hour or so. I hope that the rest of you are having a great evening, AND staying out of trouble!

See ya!



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