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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, September 22, 2008

One of my long time...

...blog buddies made my blog a "favorite" of hers. I have never seen that on the blog before and I don't know what to do to add the "widget" that lets me post the people who have listed this blog as a favorite. I think I may have one of the old time blogs that won't work with the new templates.


Last night I bumped into 2 brothers of my youngest son's old girlfriend. She was the nicest girl that boy ever dated and when I see the nit wit he's with now, it makes me sick. Oh well. Anyway, I told the brothers to say hello to their mom for me and they told me that she died a year ago. It was such a shock because she wasn't much older than I. She was 54 when an aneurysm in her heart ruptured and killed her almost immediately. She felt weak for a minute, put her head down and was dead, just like that.

I guess it's as good of a way to go as any but I just hate to hear about people so young dying. When I was in my 20's and working in Oncology, I became lose to a patient of mine. We became good friends but eventually, the cancer killed her. I remember soothing my own pain by telling myself, "Oh, she was 44, she lived a nice long life." Can you believe that? I thought that 44 was old!

I think old is about 20 years older than you are...or I am. And my son's friend's mom wasn't old by any standards, except maybe a 10 year old mind.

OK, I just finished mowing the back yard and ever since the chigger incident, I've been freaking out over possible chigger bites every time I go out there and work in the yard. I had long flannel pants and a long sleeve sweatshirt on. The sun was hot and I was sweating like a horse in my attempt to protect myself. But the memory of the last attack of the chiggers makes me feel all creepy and crawly all over.

I guess my break is over, I think I'll go mow the front yard.

See ya!


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