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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I didn't wake up thinking...

..."Oh! I must write about pubic hair today!" But, after reading a comment someone wrote after reading my post Pubes and Lubes, I couldn't get pubic hair out of my mind.

I don't want pubic hair stuck in my mind any more than I want it stuck in my throat so let me get this pube stuff off of my chest.

This is the comment that I received after I mentioned my own pubic hair:

"No Meg NO! It is all wrong!!! Organize a shave party with your next lover......It is a fun thing to do and mind blowing for both ADULT parties involved.OK, if you don't want to shave clean, at least trim it low......Man Meg, hair down there is just yuck! Plus it gets in the way"

You know, I've been around for a long time and I can't always keep up with all of the new styles. Heck, the pants that I'm wearing have elastic at the top! How can I be expected to keep up with the latest pubic hair fads? Even if I had the time, I wouldn't know where to find out what the latest pube hair styles are. Is there a pube web site? Is there a magazine about how the in-crowd wear their pubes? Does Avon have a product for pubic hair? The last time I was in a hair salon, I looked at the style books and not one of them mentioned pubic hair. And none of the clients were in stirrups, they were all sitting straight up in the chairs.

And then there's the "shave party" thing. Is that another fad that I've missed out on? Am I supposed to have scissors, a razor blade and shaving cream next to me when I get my hands on a guy? If so, please tell me because it would be AWFUL to think that my men friends come over here and look around for things like that. Can you imagine how foolish I feel?

I would hate to think that guys are creeping out when they realize that I actually have pubes. Of course, a horny dude isn't going to run away from a piece of ass because they have encountered pubic hair so they would never say anything like, "Ick! PUBES!" Not one guy has ever asked me what was up with all the hair down there. Not that I have Rapunzel-like pubic hair...but I do have SOME.

And speaking of the "Shave Party", I suppose it could be "fun" if you made it fun. I could send out invitations and serve hors d'oeuvre. But "mind blowing"? How would you make such a party mind blowing? The only way I could think of is to serve purple microdot or some other form of LSD. That would bring up 2 other problems. First of all, I don't do chemicals and secondly I wouldn't even know where to buy LSD. And the person who wrote the comment went out of their way to emphasize "ADULTS". What if I wanted to do a totally immature guy? I seem to exclusively date immature guys. Could you ask one of THEM to a "Shave Party"?

I'm not familiar with the pubic styles that I have to choose from but apparently you can go "clean" or just get a "trim". I've done the bald pussy thing before and let me tell you, there's not much more uncomfortable than an early morning pussy shadow. Once those little fuckers start growing back they bug the heck out of a female. Nobody wants to date a person who is constantly itching their crotch...God knows what could be crawling around there. I would have to start shaving daily and besides brushing my teeth, there's nothing at all that I want to do every single day.

So, that leaves me with a "trim". And you know what happens when you start to trim things...it looks uneven and then you try to fix it and before you know it, you're bald anyway.

I sort of think that I would rather have cornrolls. But most men probably don't know how to do that. And of course, what guy is going to play with pussy hair for such a long time? You can call it a party if you want. But even if I served fava beans and a nice chianti I don't know any guy who would want to spend that much time playing around down there without wanting to do more than twist pubic hairs into cornrolls. Braids, maybe. But I don't have rubber bands small enough to secure pubic hair braids.

And it never occurred to me that my pubes were actually "in the way". I usally date men strong enough to move that stuff. So far none of them have ever said, "Um...Meg...could you move some of that hair out of the way? I can't seem to get my dick past it." Of course, maybe the person who wrote the comment is a chick and she has so much hair down there that guys just get lost in her bush...but it hasn't really been a problem for me.

Also, I bathe routinely so it's not really a huge "YUCK" for me. But once again, who knows what sort of hygeine practices the comment chick has? I don't even know how long you would have to go without showering for your pubic hair to get yucky...and...I don't want to know.

On top of ALL of that...I hate shaving my legs and pits, I don't want to add another plot to mow.

I am curious about something else too...do you have to have a party every single time you shave that sucker or is it a one time only thing? I do love a party and I like to come up with reasons to have parties but how many times would people want to come to a party celebrating the same thing?

I guess I'm a bit of a freak and I'm just going to have to get used to it. I don't pluck my eyebrows and other women thought that was odd. Now I find out that I'm supposed to be shaving my pubes. Damn.

I was just getting my confidence back after my divorce and now I learn that my pubes aren't supposed to be there. That's one more stupid thing to worry about when I go out on a date. I don't know how I can enjoy a man's company for the entire evening while worrying about whether or not I should have shaved my pubes.

One more question...do the guys shave their pubes too? If so, my fuckbuddy is as freaky as I am. Maybe that's why we get along so well, we're just two yahoos with pubic hair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg Meg Meg, I wasn't talking about a Party Party! Just something between 2 people in a bathtub...no chemicals involved at all, just soap! No LSD, no chemicals!!!!

You mentioned that it hasn't been mentioned in any of your magazines, BUT 'Sex and the City' The Movie has it....where Samantha noticed that Miranda had pubic hair hanging out...

Here is a better idea Meg...just wax it! Just walk into a beauty salon and ask if they will wax you, eyebrows and all.
See, I've told you everything you ever wanted to know...LOL

November 06, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Two people in a tub? That never works out as well as you think it will. And then, to add a chore like shaving into it? Hell no. What if some dude is shaving my pubes and a big drop of cold water should hit him on the back? Man, he might slice off my g-spot and then what would I do? Hair or no hair you need a fricking g-spot.

Wax, LOLOLOLOL, I let them try that once. I walked out with one strip of one eyebrow waxed. My daughter believes in pouring hot wax all over herself, but not me. Uh uh.

No way man. I get the willies just thinking about hot wax on my muffin.

November 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came to you via "a dads life" and jesus are you funny with this pubes stuff... lol funny. i went bald once, not worth it and my hubby does not seem to care one way or another...Maggie

November 08, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Oh man, now you reminded me of another pube story. Crap.

OK then...here I go again.


November 09, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Oh, by the way, although I have met 2 of the chicks from the show (there's a picture of me with Cynthia Nixon on this blog somehwere), I have never seen Sex in the City.


November 09, 2008  

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