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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hi folks...

...I'm still in the hospital but after close to 2 weeks here, I finally have a nurse who knew that there were computers for patients and she had the motivation to find one for me. So, for now anyway, here I am!

First of all, a health update...I had another stroke and this time I have insurance so instead of sending me home with a doctor's appointment, I've pretty much been kept here for what seems like forever! The aneurysm that I've had was operated on the other day and I probably would have gone home by now but the day of the surgery things went a tad askew.

I came out of surgery in a pretty good mood and nothing really hurt too much at all. But then, an hour or two later, I started feeling like crap and my back began hurting something awful. After a CT scan, a blood draw and an assessment of my vital signs and other symptoms, it was clear that I was hemorrhaging from one of the arteries that they had operated on. I was in the ICU of course and I was no fun at all. I was crying for my mother who is no longer with us and eventually it occurred to me that my father is still living so I grabbed the phone and called him to tell him that something was wrong and I was scared. Being in Tampa, he didn't have much help to offer but I'm sure that I worried the hell out of him so my work there was done.

I stayed in ICU for a bit longer than expected and I must say, that experience sucked BIG TIME! I had other people's blood put in my veins...a major, but lifesaving, ICK! Also, I had one of those lovely catheters in me and when they took it out I was still leaking blood so I couldn't get up. Of course that meant that I had to use a bedpan and let me tell you...they are as hideous as you've heard. I actually missed my catheter.

Of course, I was not lacking in tubes hanging out of me. There was a triple lumen IV hanging out of my right groin, a regular IV hanging out of my right hand, an arterial line hanging out of my left wrist, a blood pressure cuff on my right arm and one of those stupid oxygen measuring things that sticks to a finger tip. At this point I'm down to a double lumen PICC line in my right arm that is there to receive narcotics and to give blood, thereby cutting down on the holes in my arms. Oh, I forgot the sticky things attached to my chest to monitor my heart...one of the few things that hasn't broken since I've been here.

I'm also taking blood thinners which have me full of bruises and bleeding out of numerous orifices...some natural and some man-made. I have new parts in my brain that may or may not get me patted down at most airports. I can't wait to see how they work.

Last week while I was freshly stroked and somewhat confused, I came into contact with a mean dude who was trying to be intimidating by staring me down and sticking his chest out at me. I wouldn't have remembered any of that except for the fact that I was keeping notes and I wrote down his name and what happened. I read that note yesterday and knew that his name was Harold. The note reminded me of the incident and of Weird Harold. Tonight he is my Patient Care Tech. I don't think he knows that I remember what he did but I do. I'm not going to bother complaining about him yet, I'll just let him keep being nice and I'll get him later on this blog. In the meantime, I might just pee on him...that's what he gets for assuming that I'm a confused old lady. He obviously didn't think that I would remember him being an abusive employee...and if I hadn't been taking notes, I wouldn't have. It's amazing how many people here treated me quite cruelly since they figured that I was too out of it or confused to tell anyone. I'll tell you about that later...now I just want to concentrate on getting myself out of here in one piece.

Well, in the last hour I've taken dilaudid, xanax and lunesta...and Family Guy just started so if I hurry, I can fall asleep watching my favorite show. Hopefully, I'll get the computer more now that I know it's available or I'll be home so fast that I won't miss anymore days visiting you guys. With any luck at all, I'll be home by Christmas.

One way or another, I hope you're all enjoying your holidays and I'll be home soon!



Blogger camatlanta said...

You are in our prayers Meg.
We had snow in Marietta for Christmas. All melted now & I hope not to see anymore till Dec. 24 2011.
Awaiting your return to the Sunny South.
Love ya long time,

December 28, 2010  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I don't know how this comment got past me, but I didn't see it until now. Thanks dude, I miss you and Marietta!

PS If you do miss snow, call me, I know where they keep it.

December 30, 2010  

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