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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

OK folks...

...with the Steve Dougan story about to come to an end, I thought that perhaps some of you might want to be writers of the next season of Steve Dougan: County Commissioner. If so, just write a story or a dialogue about or involving the great County Commissioner, Steve Dougan. Here is a bit of what I am talking about:

ME: Hi Steve, it’s me again! I was wondering if you would mind coming over to my house and helping me with some heavy duty work that needs to be done. I could really, really use your help. I have a huge problem out back and I just can’t handle it myself. I will pay you for your time, just let me know what you charge.

HIM: Well...HELLO MEG! I’m so glad to hear from you again. Hell yeah, I could help you out, out of your clothes if you’re lucky! You have a huge problem, well, I have a HUGE solution! And I’m sure that I can handle any chore that you have for me. And my charge? Let me make you smile until the cows come home and we will be square!

ME: Oh my, I think that you may have misunderstood me, I meant that I needed your help taking care of my lawn, I have some bushes that need trimming and some peach trees that need pruning.

HIM: Oh baby, I would love to trim your bush! And, I really LOVE your peaches, I want to shake your tree! If you’d just let me in...if you know what I mean, I’d be happy to take care of anything that you need.
PS It will have to be after church, I’m filling in for the preacher this week.

ME: Well, if you’re sure that you don’t mind, I could really use the help. Anytime Sunday would be fine, I have nothing to do. Oh, by the way...what would you like to eat?

HIM: You think that you have nothing to do? I told you that you could do me! I know, I’m a bad boy, you’ll just have to forgive me. I’ll be there Sunday...ready to eat...you can just fix me a box lunch and I’ll be fine!

OK, you get the idea. Just think like a male chauvinist egotistical freak and you’ll do well. Don’t forget to add some political thoughts into your contribution, a sex freak without any political inclinations would be rather unbelieveable. I received an email from a buddy of mine who suggested this, he called it Fan Fic, for Fan Fiction. I had never heard of it, but I bet we could have some fun with it.

When you have such a good story, it’s kind of a shame to see it end so go ahead and try your hand at some Fan Fic, I would love to see what you guys could come up with.

Anyway, my new friend, Todd, called last night. We spoke for quite a while and I thought about him all day today. It’s so nice to have someone to think about, especially when they’re thinking about you too.

I miss being thought about and having someone that calls me to see how I’m doing. My own husband couldn’t care less what happens to me and knowing that can make a woman feel really badly. But, it’s really nice to know that there is someone, even if he is a few hundred miles away, who thinks about me and looks forward to speaking to me. It’s hell when the phone stops ringing. Everyday for years and years, I would get phone calls during the day from someone that I thought cared about me. I suppose that I should be happy that I ever had someone, but I hate to think that I don’t have a soul in the world who thinks that I’m special.
I haven’t felt special to anyone for a few years now and it’s nice to feel that way again. I had forgotten how it feels to smile for no reason other than I know that someone is out there somewhere thinking about me too.

Todd and I are planning a weekend get together for November or December. Now I have something to look forward to and I haven’t had that in a very long time. Like I said, long distance relationships are cool in their own way and I’m glad that I am having one now. Of course, I’d rather have him down the street, but hell, this can be fun in itself. I get to plan for his visit, talk to him anytime I want to and even drive north on a lark when I get the chance.

Well, I am not feeling well at all today so I have to apologize for being so rare today, but I just feel like CRAP! I’m going to go and lie down for a while. So, if you have the time, write down a few lines of Steve Dougan material, this is all in fun and we could have a LOT of fun doing it. I know you men can do it, you do it for no good reason, now do it to entertain me...I get so bored with a boyfriend so far away. Send any contributions that you might have to Meg.Kelso@gmail.com.

See ya,



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