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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Some girls get all the luck...

...and I have a buddy who has truly hit the karma jack-pot. This sweet lady, who’s husband cheated with a biker bimbo who lived right down the street, has gotten hers back without even trying. The idiot husband was in such a hurry to marry the old biker hag that he didn’t wait until he was sure that the divorce was final. So, now he is married to two women. I believe that’s a crime in most states.

My friend, Laura, was so sad last spring that I felt extremely bad for her. Her husband bought her a trinity ring earlier in the year, one that symbolized the past, present and the future. And then, within a few months, he was screwing the neighborhood tramp. He did what all cheaters do, he told his wife that he made a mistake and wanted her but never stopped seeing the tramp. They divorced, well, almost...and he remarried. Just this past Christmas, they celebrated as a happy family and this guy will be spending the holidays this year trying to straighten out his marital status. Laura will still be reeling from the shock of her divorce...but she'll be fine, decent people always are. She'll eventually find a man who will treat her well and she will wonder why she wasted so many tears on some cretin who doesn’t have enough sense nor class to plan a wedding more than a few weeks after his divorce. My guess is that the biker bimbo had him on a tight reign. He probably had to get married to make her happy. Imagine that, he leaves his wife for what he thinks is some hot piece of ass and he ends up married to both of them because he wasn’t man enough to tell the bitch to wait a decent period of time. And then, the real wife just sits back and smiles.

I love it. Her husband did something that I find intriguing. During the divorce, he called his wife and told her that he loved her. Why would a man do that but then go ahead with the divorce? Why would he say that to the wife but not go back to her? Why do men do that? They tell you that they love you and they never wanted to get a divorce, but they do nothing to stop the divorce. They don’t say, “Stop...let’s put that thing on hold...let’s be sure that we aren’t making a huge mistake!”

But...they will say that they love you. I don’t get that. Greg did it to Laura. I’ve had that done before as well, where a man will say that he loved me, but then not do a thing about it. I guess we women are romantics, we expect someone who loves us to go to the ends of the universe for us. Well, not literally, they really don’t even have to leave town, but they could act the part. You guys are a tough lot to figure out. You say that we are odd. I don’t think that I’m very cryptic, I think I pretty much say it like it is. Most women do, I would think. I bet if you listened, you could understand us. Hell, you say you’re smarter than us, figure it out.

I acknowledge the fact that we can be somewhat hormonal and unpredictable, but when it comes to playing games, I think you put us to shame. I think that most women underestimate the tremendous influence that testosterone has on a man’s brain. So, you guys are a little hormonally influenced yourselves. There is a bit too much thinking with one’s gonads than anyone would like to admit. That’s the entire point to this blog. If it weren’t for Rick and his damned testosterone, I wouldn’t be here writing this crap right now. Testosterone is even behind the goofy people who got to this blog by way of a panty search.

Testosterone took Greg down the street to Biker-ville and it took mine to Trailer-ville. Oh well, what can you do. I'm just hoping that the next one has a better grip on his testosterone. I do have one lined up, by the way. I thought it was time to mention that. I can’t say too much about him because he reads this, but he had to know that I’d say something sooner or later.

Can you imagine the pressure that this guy must be feeling about now? I would hate to be in his shoes. Luckily, he isn’t the type of guy who would find himself being discussed in too much detail, he is too smart for that. And, he knows the difference between being an ass and being funny. Oh, the best part, he wrote me an email containing the word pork and I didn’t even question the motivation behind it. Mr. Millionaire can’t do that. When he uses the word “pork”, I cringe.

Anyway, for the sake of this blog, I will call my friend Todd. (I got that from a line on Seinfeld where they actually mention the guy’s real name.) He can quote Seinfeld in a very impressive manner. You may remember that I mentioned that in my ad, the fact that the guy I was looking for had to enjoy Seinfeld, and this guy did. In fact, that’s how I got him...he answered my ad. Isn’t that sweet? I wasn’t even serious and it worked. And, as it turns out, the timing couldn’t have been better.

He doesn’t live near me so that’s a problem, but it could be a fun problem to work out, don’t you think? I bet we could even meet halfway for lunch some time. That’d be nice. So...Todd, what do you think? Would you like to meet me somewhere in Virginia for lunch? That’s halfway. Well, southern Virginia, maybe even northern North Carolina, we’ll have to check a map.

No pressure dude. But...I do reserve the right to take notes.

Gotta go and clean the house. My kids are gone and I’m back to being all alone. But, the dishes linger on.

See ya,



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