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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Good morning ya'll!

OMG! I came here with a GREAT idea and before I finished typing "Good moning ya'll", it was totally out of my brain. Be careful, they'll get you too.

Anyway, it was somehow Obama related. OOOOHHH! I just got it back....whew!

I was wondering how you follow up on a post about pubic hair. I decided to start at pubes and then smoothly transition into another subject. The subject that seemed to flow most smoothly was, of course, Obama. And do you know why? Because I am concentrating on our similarities and not our differences. And for how ever we may differ, we all...Obama included...have pubic hair.

The chick who told me that pubic hair was just "yuck" and that I should have shaving parties made me wonder, does Obama have shaving parties? Or do black guys not have to shave because of the tight and curly nature of their own pubes? I'm still not sure how it all works.

You know, now that I think of it, ANY people with curly hair shouldn't shave too much, you'd get those annoying little ingrown hairs that could turn into some hideous growth that requires a trip to the operating room. Here's a question for you...if you were to have a hideous carbuncle type thing, where would you rather have it? On your face or in your pubic hair? OK, that's enough disgusting visuals for the moment.

Since I got that stupid Dish thing, I've pretty much stopped watching TV. The only thing I watch is my Tivo'ed Family Guy and South Park. That doesn't really keep a person in touch with the outside world. Turn your TV off for a month and see what happens. It's quite the isolating feeling. I have no idea what's going on in the world. I know we just elected Obama and that he has pubic hair, but other than that, I'm pretty much out of the loop. I sure do hope everything is going fine out there.

I just had a great idea and I am so fricking stoked over it that I'm going to go and do it now. It may be exceedingly stupid in the light of a new day...but right now it seems like the smartest thing that I have EVER done in my life. And, before I realize that it might be really lame, I'm going to tape it for posterity's sake on YouTube!!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, here I go again Meg, one last time. The 'yuck' of the hair is not meant to imply a lack of hygiene. It is just that it is not nice for someone to get a whole mouthful of hair.
There I said it.
OK, the last option I have to offer is a partial shave....leaving the mound unshaved so that you don't feel totally 'naked' and get the itchies when the re-growth starts.
Try it, it's sexy and you are certainly not too old to be sexy. I am ways older than you......LOL...

November 07, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

First of all, I'm not entirley stupid, I just like to play and there's no one else here for me to play with.

Secondly, you are OLDER than ME? And "ways older" at that?

Now I'm starting to have more icky visuals...you know, I've taken care of many old ladies and sooner or later, that stuff down there pretty much falls out and the picture left is not a pretty one.

At SOME age, you MUST stop shaving that stuff and hope that you have enough left to hide what's left!


November 07, 2008  

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