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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Stupid, one way or another!

Isn't it sweet that people all over the country are lessening the blow of certain words? It seems as though the young man who hijacked a parked plane in Montego Bay is being described as "mentally challenged" instead of "crazy as a loon". How sweet.

Personally, I see a few other "challenges" that the dude is facing. Consider the fact that he "robbed several travelers before setting them free, but continued to hold the crew." Now, unless he robbed them of some nicely cooked steak, he couldn't really think that he would be able to use any of his ill-gotten gain. If he had asked me for my stuff, I would have said, "No. The cops are just gonna give it back to me after they shoot you and I don't want it all to have blood on it."

Also, his entire plan was stupid from the get go. He "barged through security...and forced his way onto the plane". First of all, how the hell did that happen? How did some 19 year old kid armed with a gun basically cut in front of EVERYONE, including the security people and actually make it on the plane? Apparently, he is not in the least "physically challenged".

A bunch of doors could have been shut while he was making it through the check point. Shutting any one of the doors would have been a major impediment. Nobody is going to open one of those, no matter how hard the "nut...(I'm sorry, the mentally challenged dude) is pounding on the door of an airplane.

Once again, I would have handled it differently...I would have tripped his ass. That would have been effective AND funny. I can't believe that not one person he ran by thought to just trip the fool...I'm sorry, the "mentally challenged" dude. Oh, and I guess I would have had to shut the damn airplane door. (If young people aren't thinking of tripping mentally challenged armed running guys, it's a sign of a complete lack of The Three Stooges in the lives of these "do-nothings".)

Next we have the fact that he actually hijacked a parked airplane. You'd have to be seriously intellectually challenged to think THAT would work. But, I guess if your plan began with running through security, taking control of an airplane that isn't going anywhere is standard operating procedure. Again, I would have handled it differently and would have asked the cops to bring me a petite fillet Mignon before I let ANYONE go. If all else fails, I'll still have a nice steak before I go to jail. I understand they don't have steak in prison...EVER. Hijacking could get a person a life sentence and that's a long time to go without steak.

Apparently the young man convinced the police that he was strategically challenged enough so that they could basically board the plane and say, "You're under arrest."

Another sign of the man's dreadful maturity challenge, he did this because he was "upset over a failed relationship". If I'm going to be on the news over a "failed relationship", there will be a big bottle of anti-freeze and a large insurance payment in the story.

Oh, and a sign of his “good luck challenged” status, he also chose to hijack the plane to Cuba. That, right as Fidel and his brother are kissing up to Obama, this guy wants to go visit America’s new friends, the Cubans. I could see them saying, “Here, you take the fool” just to get in the President’s good graces. Pity he didn’t read the news lately, he’d know that before long Americans will be able to do something the rest of the world does all the time, travel to Cuba for a vacation. Apparently, he suffers from a severe educational challenge not to mention how challenged he is when it comes to current events.


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