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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Regarding Vex, I have requested that my stbx be required to attend a 52 week batterers program. Just something to think about.

Thank you very much for answering that question. However, apparently they entered into a plea bargain without discussing it with me. I just received a phone call from the prosecutor saying that Vex received a week in jail (time served) and a fine of “about $1000,00“, and he must attend a 24 week anger management program during which time he is on probation. Case closed. That’s fine with me, I think that further jail time would have been a waste of tax payers money. It would only have served to make him an angrier person which is really the problem in the first place. Now, I am waiting for him to skip town, he told me he was going to do that as soon as his court date was over.

So, except for the divorce, we are done. Damn it. I want THAT done as well. I am going to go to my attorney’s office and find out what the heck is taking so long. See you all after a while!



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