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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

You know...

...after discussing it with my father, we couldn't remember ever learning about evolution OR creationism in school. Between the two of us, we have over 40 years of education and neither of us were ever taught either theory. My degrees ARE in science and I don't remember learning about either one, even in college. Of course, my degrees are in the applied sciences, dad's are in history and law, but you would think that somewhere along the way, we would have learned something about these subjects.
Does anyone out there ever remember being taught either subject? If so, in what class did you learn it?
I bet most kids nowadays would have a hard time even spelling the word creationism. So, why is this such a matter of import? It seems to me that it is just a way for people to get their names in the paper and have something to whine about. I think it is just more devisive rhetoric.
Now, back to Vex. For some odd reason, we have a two week window in which we must be within an hours notice to appear in court. How stupid is that? There is a possiblity that I will have to testify tomorrow, so please, what do you guys think I should say if they ask me what sentence he should recieve? I am trying to think this one through rationally, not emotionally. I think I have it figured out, but I would truly appreciate some non-biased input!



Blogger Ellen said...

Hi Meg,
I learned about evolution in high school Biology. And I lived in a relatively backward little town.

Regarding Vex, I have requested that my stbx be required to attend a 52 week batterers program. Just something to think about.

May 16, 2005  

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