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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

You know...

...I was re-reading the post where I said that the younger men seem to be growing up with more respect since AIDS. I THINK I may have a reason why. These guys have grown up in an era where monogamy was being discussed as an alternative...even if they just overheard it somewhere. Certainly the fear of AIDS has taken the place of the fear of pregnancy. And AIDS isn’t an easy “problem” to solve whereas pregnancy is. At least that’s what people THINK...although I don’t know how true it is, I have never had an abortion, I am sure it isn’t easy by any means and I don’t want to suggest that it is. But it certainly is easier to fix than AIDS.

So, there has simply, for one reason or another, been a little bit more monogamy. And like I told Vex, a sexually healthy monogamous relationship will only encourage feelings of intimacy. So, with the increase of monogamy, we have seen an increase in feelings of intimacy by men.

Add to that we pretty much think of cheaters as low class. We don’t think much of a woman who would sleep with a married man. And we think rather poorly of a married man without the courage to walk away before he brings another woman to his wife’s bed, figuratively and literally. If we as a society can start to feel the necessity of monogamy, even if it is to avoid AIDS, we will automatically think less of the ones who don’t subscribe to our way of thinking. That’s just the reality of it. Society always thinks less of those who live outside of the rules. The rules may change for one reason or another so you don’t always know whether the current thinking is good or bad, but the effects are the same. We WILL look down our noses at those who do not live like we do.

Currently, we are fostering a new appreciation for monogamy in this country, to some degree anyway. As that continues, we will think less and less of sexual peccadillo’s and those who commit them.

That’s all I had to say, I am going to go back to doing nothing, see ya,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of proof do you have that he even cheated on you in the first place?

May 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too Stupid to Breath

Want to know how stupid red state law makers are? Check out this language (search for yourself it is on the Legislative page)-
Tenn Senate Bill 334

SB 334
March 19, 2005
SUMMARY OF BILL: Redefines person to mean a live human being with
life beginning when the ovum is fertilized by the male sperm;

MALE SPERM!? Do the idiots mean there are two types, male and female sperm? But you are not a person if the ovum was fertilized with female sperm? I wonder if they think there is male ovum? I wonder if they think...

May 14, 2005  

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