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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Even through cyber-space...

...a fool is a fool. I have to thank you guys for defending me...again. See why it doesn’t bother me? Why should it. When my friends defend me like that, I feel better than I would’ve felt had the nut job never appeared in the first place...so, they’re actually doing me a favor by being asses.

I just watched Spiderman...yeah, I was that bored...and I think that Sheepy should watch it. Maybe a lesson wrapped up in a kiddie movie would be at a level that Sheepy and it’s cohorts could understand. The big bad Green Goblin tried to get Spiderman to turn to the evil side. He told Spiderman that ALL the people would turn on him sooner or later. But Spiderman was a good guy...and he kept on doing what was right even though the newspaper said that the people were, indeed, turning against him. He knew that he had to be a good super hero because his uncle told him that “With great power comes great responsibility.” So, Spiderman just kept doing what he knew was right and even when it looked really, really, bad...Spiderman never wavered. In the end, all the people loved Spiderman and he saved a bunch of kids that were hanging off the Brooklyn Bridge. Spiderman knew deep inside that he should do the right thing and...in the end, everybody loved him. Even his girlfriend...who he left in a cemetery...I don’t get that...but in the end, the good guy won.

Now, be a good sheep and go baaaaaack to the basement. My friends and I are trying to have some fun. It’s Saturday night after all. My granddaughter is here and I wish I could blame her for my evening television fare but I can’t. She just got here and she’s playing with her father. Arachnophobia is on now. What the heck is up with all these spider movies? Oh, yuck, another gnat just got splattered all over my monitor. Bug movies and bug guts...I fear a nightmare coming on tonight. Bugs are about the worst things that are on this planet, next to cyber freaks and untrained puppies.

I think I know where my bug-phobia came from. When I was a very little girl, maybe 4 years old, we had just moved to Chicago and we lived in a garden apartment. The bathtub, for some reason, was across the hall from the bathroom. There was a sliding door in the wall and when you opened it, you had to step over a short part of wall and then you were in the tub. It was kind of like a room by itself, only it was a bathtub. I’ve never seen anything like it since so I don’t know what it was or why it was like that, but it was. Anyway, one morning I was sitting on the floor in between the tub and the bathroom playing. I was wearing a robe that was spread out next to me since I was sitting down. All of a sudden, I noticed a waterbug on my robe. I screamed for my father who came and put a can of A-jax on the bug. I was terrified. I couldn’t move because I was afraid that the can would fall and the bug would get me. I’m not really sure why he did that, either he was trying to be funny or he wanted to keep it there until he could get something to kill it with, all I remember is what I just told you. Once I asked my Dad why he did that but he doesn’t remember it at all.

Eventually, my parents bought a house in the suburbs and I, being the oldest, had my own bedroom. I was lying on the bed one night. The door was open and the hall light was on. I was lying there, looking out toward the hall when all of a sudden, a daddy long leg came crawling up over the side of my bed right in front of my face. It was a long time before I wanted to sleep in my room again. Oh, this is great, now I’m freaking myself out over the bugs. I have bugs on the brain and now I’ve gotten the heebie-jeebies. (Can you believe that heebie-jeebies is in the spellchecker?) Oh well, no more bug talk.

But, since I can’t get bugs out of my mind now, I can’t think of anything else to say so I’m going to go and play with my granddaughter before she goes to bed. If I don’t see you beforehand, I hope you have a great Father’s Day.

And once again, thanks for coming to my defense...I’d rather have you guys on my side than all those hacker-wannabes in that tagboard that scattered like the bugs that they are when I saw them. We don’t have to go and regroup to communicate because we aren’t doing anything wrong. I like being amongst the good guys!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Meg;

It's a special sort of person who believes they have cyber-(or'e-')friends and cyber-enemies. There is a narcissism involved and if left unchecked, can lead to internet addiction as well as mental illness. Recent studies can't prove which one first appears in a patient yet (mental illness or computer use) but rest assuered, the science is on its way. We do know that they somehow work hand in hand.

Would you ever consider being a case study for a thesis? One among a strictly controlled group? A particular study follows internet users for one year, the users typically log (not blog haha!) their emotions during 3 sessions of computer time a week. If the user spends more time on the computer, that makes no difference. There are other criteria to be met, but of course, this is the crux of it.And of course, you would remain anonymous.

June 19, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOLOL, Guy, is that you? Naw, you can spell. Anyway, whomever it was, that was funny.


June 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this data from the American Journal of Little Boys Hiding In The Cellar?

June 19, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOL, nope, it's just it's way of trying to make me feel as though you guys are not friends. As though that would work. It is a "force" in it's own mind.

Like I said, I would feel sorry for them, but there are people who actually WANT help...I shan't waste my time pitying this cretin.

See ya!


June 19, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


I knew it wasn't you, it's the cat flower skank. I have her IP and I can see her when she comes in. 'Tis her...she is obsessed with me and she can't find anyone else to do her dirty work. Ignore her, she isn't worth it.


June 19, 2005  

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