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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, June 20, 2005

It’s 3:45 am and I am wide awake...

... I decided to clean my oven last night and then parlayed that energy into an all out cleaning frenzy. I’ve been trying to lie down and fall asleep and it isn’t working so I thought that I’d come out here and peck away the my keyboard. When I came into the kitchen, I poured myself some of the lemonade that I made earlier and as I was putting the pitcher back into the fridge...I noticed some wine that’s been in there for well over one...if not close to two...months. So, I think that the wine is a better idea at this hour. My alarm clock AND my coffee pot are both set for 7:30 and that’s headin’ up here real soon. I don’t hear the birds chirping yet so I better hurry up with this post and get back on the couch. It’s so late, my dog doesn’t even want to come out of the kennel. Sometimes he just walks into it on his own. I’m glad. I don’t like leaving him in there at all but he can’t seen to learn that we don’t eat the molding off of the doors. (I thought molding was spelled with “u” when used thusly, but the spellchecker doesn’t seem to agree. Does anybody out there know?)


I just took a swig of wine thinking it was lemonade (yeah, I know that I was mentioning it at the time. It’s 4 am...cut me some slack.) and my mouth is just going with my lemonade method of drinking out of rote at this point rather than the wine sipping technique that I should be using. I took a big ol’ swig of that French Colombard and had to swallow it in one big swallow...that wasn’t delightful at all. Gag, verp and ice cream headache...all at the same time.

I just realized that I’ve written 3 paragraphs and basically, I’ve said nothing. Sorry about that. I have my television on to the 70’s music channel and Cisco Kid is on. I haven’t heard that one is ions. Oh, I CAN do something useful, I can answer this question:

Since there are so many new visitors, if you have the time, would you please explain why Rick is called "Vex"? I realize you likely have mentioned this before, but I can't seem to find it. (The archives aren't great for hunting a particular piece of info.)

Sure, not a problem. First I have to tell you that the last time I saw Vex out of a court room was the last time he assaulted me. He had just popped me one in the face and I looked at him with such...I don’t even know the word...I think there were many feelings going on at that moment. Mainly, I think it was hurt, betrayal and shock. But, I stared into his eyes expecting him to say, Oh my God, I didn’t mean to do that...I am so sorry...I don‘t know what happened.”

Instead, he looked at me with a contemptuous iniquity that it was every bit as brutal as the violence. By violence, I don’t just mean one smack. The entire atmosphere is electrified with violence in these situations. His affect was so intense and severe that I could almost touch it. At that moment, I swore to myself that I would never look at him again. The Vex thing is similar...although I didn’t swear to that one. The best way that I can explain it is that every time I come across an article of his, that palpable affect comes back to me. I remember the odium in his eyes all over again. It was the single most excruciatingly painful moment of my life and for just one moment, I feel that ache again.

It’s sort of the same thing with his name. Occasionally I use his name for one unique reason or another...but I don’t if I can avoid it. I don’t even think of him by his name anymore, I think of him as Vex. I am erasing him from existence to the best of my ability. When I use the term Vex, I don't actually mean the man so much as I mean the experience. I looked up the word and it seemed appropriate. Unilt I end this blog, I have to refer the that entity. The lessons that I learned are with me now and will be with me forever...I don’t need anything else to remind me of the nightmare from which I’ve awoken. So...that’s the reason.

By the way, I CAN search this thing so if anyone wants me to search anything for them...let me know.

Hiya Meg!Rols here, from England. Just found your blog - you'd been promoting it on Craigslist and I stumbled here. Pretty cool idea. Lots of drama with these forums etc. And this Tigerlily bird... Can anybody say character assasination? Hope it doesn't put you off. Keep up with the blog

Ah! A Brit! Hello Rols! Glad to have you! Nope, it doesn’t put me off one bit...I find it amusing. As to the legal ramifications...I honestly dismiss them and don’t go seeking out their “work” so I don’t know if it would be considered character assassination or not. And even if it was...there aren’t too many laws governing blogs according to that article that contained reference to mine. If you haven’t read it, here it is (It really is an interesting article on blogs.):


Unfortunately, you have to copy and paste the entire thing into your browser window. (Sorry Kristan, I’m to tired to figure this one out tonight, Ill try to fix it in the am.)

OMG! The song Ben by Michael Jackson is playing now. And we all though that Ben was a rat!

“Ben, most people would turn you away...
I don’t listen to a word they say.”

Help me Rhonda.

Anyway, if anybody does come across anything that would be actionable, let me know. (I hope I didn’t offend all of the attorneys with the comment from the other day.)

Well, if I jump on that couch right now, I just might fall asleep before the birds start chirping...have a good one!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Monday (right) I hope that you have finally gotten in touch with the landlord and gotten some Air, you must be sweltering, at least the humididty is down, that should help. I will never ever be able to understand how any man could possibly ever strike a woman. My Dad always told me that to strike a woman was the lowest thing a man could ever do. Now He may have told me that to keep me from killing my Sister a time or two but I always remember his words and it makes me want to do bodily harm to any man that strikes a woman. Keep smiling and keep that incredible sense of humor.

June 20, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Hi Buddy!

I hope you had a great weekend.

Yeah, my Dad would say the same thing to my brothers. As a matter of fact, once when one of my brothers hit one of us (I don't remember if it was me or one of my sisters...I just remember his punishment), my father made a placard that said, I HIT GIRLS and made him walk around the block 10 times wearing it around his neck.

I don't know if I would have chosen that tact, BUT...none of my brothers are women beaters!

See ya!

June 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your Dad was a wise man. I love the sign idea, will pass it on to others who have young sons. I had an incredible weekend the weather was perfect and the water was glorious. Got totally.......relaxed.\

June 20, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Aren't you a nit wit. The article didn't "spotlight" me. I was simply an example of ONE aspect of the reporters topic...blogs. It was NOT about me. Obviously you haven't read it so go back, read it and then come back and comment.


June 20, 2005  

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