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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, August 22, 2005

I expect certain things from certain people...

...I expect my ex to be a total hypocrite. I expect his wife to eat 3 boxes of Twinkies every day and drink 4 cases of Old Milwaukee every night. I expect Rick Kelso to steal, lie and cheat. I expect men who abuse women to defend Rick Kelso when he is abuses women. I expect Rick Kelso's mother to suck down a fifth of vodka every night. I expected Rick Kelso's oldest son to behave like his father and knock up a married woman. (I must say that although I expected his 19 year old son to knock up some career welfare life form like HIS mother, I never expected it to be an 43 year old albino drug addict with a slew of other children.)

There are many other things that I expect. But...of this I am sure..."men" who cheat on women, abuse them and pass around sexually transmitted diseases...will call the women who catch them doing such things "bitter".

Oh, there is something else of which I am absolutely positive...the attorneys who defend these "men", will also call the women "bitter".

Oddly enough, if the woman being cheated upon happens to be the female spawn of these dredges of humanity, they are not bitter...they are victims worthy of sympathy. Isn't that odd?

A woman who practiced her right to freedom of speech by authoring a blog about her divorce from a slug has been ordered by a judge (you know, one of those people who supposedly defends the constitution) to change the names of the people in her life when she writes about it. The attorney who represents the slug had the unmitigated gall to call the woman "bitter". I assume that the specific definition of "bitter" to which the attorney in question refers is: exhibiting intense animosity.

I wonder how much animosity the attorney and judge in question would exhibit if it were their own daughters, mothers or sisters that had been treated like a disposable diaper that has been shit upon and tossed aside? My guess is that their animosity might be a tad intense. I could be wrong, perhaps that attorney and judge are two parents who despise their family.

Personally, I fully admit to exhibiting intense animosity toward Rick Kelso, Gail Glenn and even the freaky bimbo that Rick Kelso dumped when he left Georgia. And...should any man ever treat my daughter in the way that Rick Kelso treated me or if any wannabe female like Gail Glenn should attempt to get her sleazy paws into my son, I would exhibit some more intense animosity. I doubt that I will have to worry about my children being treated in such a manner, my daughter doesn't drink enough to fall for a Viagra addicted bald man (like the one in the picture that I am about to post) with a miniature, deformed penis that is a recidivist premature ejaculator and my son has far too much class to associate with a bleached blonde piece of trailer trash.

I don't mind admitting to exhibiting intense animosity toward the penis of Rick Kelso of Kalispel Montana even though it was the victim of a hideous gasoline fire. Yes, that penis was attacked by a flaming can of gasoline that was tossed at it early in it's pitiful career. Rick Kelso, the owner of the deformed penis, said that the man who threw the can of flaming gasoline at his crotch was doing so in self defense. But, knowing how harmless and barely perceptible that miniature penis of Rick Kelso is, I now doubt that story. Instead, it is my learned opinion that his fellow marines were simply attempting to kill the crab that was hiding the toy-penis from the view of the doctor who was attempting to take a picture of the smallest penis in U.S.M.C. history.

OK, there is my exhibition of intense animosity for the day. I have just finished speaking to a friend that has a nutty ex. (Imagine that!) The ex is so intent on poisoning the children against them that is is actually working. I have never understood why a parent who professes to love their children would participate in nasty discussions about the other parent. I always told my kids to call their father on the appropriate holidays and I would have never allowed them to speak of him in a disrespectful manner. I care about my children too much to make them feel as though they must speak ill of their father in order to receive my love. Unfortunately, far too many parents are so full of hate and insecurity that they make the children afraid to have a nice relationship with the other parent.

My ex and I got along just fine until he married a teenager. She wouldn't allow her husband to have a respectful relationship with the mother of his children. I waited patiently for her to grow up. Then, I realized that it isn't a matter of immaturity so much as it is a matter of insecurity. She will never "grow up", she is far too insecure to ever stop encouraging my children to be happy and have a healthy relationship with me.

At one point, I had a Mustang. She would tell my children that "only idiots drive Mustangs". I used to watch All My Children. She would tell my kids that "All My Children is a program for idiots". When she learned that I liked Bruce Springsteen, all of a sudden, "Bruce Springsteen fans are stupid". I live my life rarely giving those two a second thought, but in their house, after more than 17 years of marriage, I am still the topic of discussion.

I see that type of behavior so often that it makes me sad for the children. Doesn't ANYONE love thier kids enough to live their lives happily? I guess happiness is relative, for some people happiness is constant berating of the people who used to be in their spouses lives. I once heard someone say that "The absence of love is indifference." I am totally indifferent to my ex. He, on the other hand, continues to tell his children how evil their mother is and he has done so for years, ever since he married an Amazon biker bitch. I haven't seen these people twice in 20 years. They no longer know me at all and yet they still discuss every single little detail of what they perceive to be my life. If I cared at all, I would pity them...but I would rather just go on about my life.

The friend of mine that I was just speaking to was married to a woman who is now remarried. When she did remarry, she told her new husband that neither one of them will ever have a relationship with their ex's, even though a decent relationship would be best for all of the children involved. Her nit wit of a husband actually agreed to that! When my son and his the mother of his daughter broke up, I said to them, "Now it's time to see who loves that little girl enough to treat the other with decency."

It's so sad that so many parents are too selfish to treat the other parent decently. Of course, there are also many people who are just crisis oriented, if there is nothing miserable happening in their life, they will create a crisis to ensure that they have something to do. Of course, it would be nice if they would try to make a happy life for themselves, but if that were possible, there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

I have a question to ask for a puter-pal of mine. Is there anyone out there who has any expereince with divorce blogs and the court system? I know that anyone can write whatever they want and as long as it is the truth, they have nothing to fear. But, a divorce judge can order a person to stop writing a blog and the writer has to oblige, at least until the divorce is final. Has anyone out there ever been ordered by a judge to stop a blog or to change the names on one? If so, let me know so I can tell my friend. I won't post your answer if you would prefer to remain annonymous, I'll just email your answer to my friend.

Well, I am tired and I should go to sleep now. OH! By the way, I have made a few phone calls regarding the nursing home situation and I will wait for a couple of days for the return calls before I do anything. If I get a satisfactory answer from anyone, I will let them try to fix the situation, if not, I will come up with something on my own. I am currently writing a very long account of some of the things that I saw the other day and I am also including things that I have seen in the past. As soon as something productive happens regarding this, I will let you know.

See ya,



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