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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I just went to vote...

...and I couldn’t. They moved my polling place from right down the street (or is it UP the street? I can never figure that out.) to a place five miles away. And, not a quick five miles, but a bunch of turns and a pain in the ass five miles. I had to come back anyway because I forgot my ID. They had given me a form to fill out and were going to let me vote until they looked up my name and found out that they moved my polling place. I don’t really have to go back, I purloined one of those “I voted” stickers when the lady wasn’t looking.

Actually, I do have to go and vote today, a friend of mine is running for city council and I promised that I’d go and vote for him. Damn me and my stupid honor. I’ll go, but he had best see to it that my polling place is switched back to where it was. Hell, it’s HIS polling place too...he should have warned me. Oh well.

I’m eating strawberry shortcake for breakfast. It sure is some good stuff. I made the strawberry pottage the other day with my granddaughter. I LOVE strawberries. Of course, Im allergic to them so I expect to break out in hives any minute now but it’s worth it. I’ll take a couple of benadryl and I should be OK.

One of the things that I can do now that I’m divorced is fix my house anyway that I want it. As I type this, my son is in the next room readying my living room walls to be painted. I picked the color and I’m going to paint the entire house whatever color I want to. Not that Rick ever cared what color the walls were, but I am getting it done. With him around, nobody felt sorry for me badly enough to paint them for me and Lord knows he wasn’t going to do it.

Now I can get things accomplished. Remember last spring when I had men doing minor repairs around my house? Well, I can’t do that right now. Todd probably wouldn’t appreciate it. I have to do a bunch of it myself now. I hate that. Oh well, that’s the price you pay.

I bought some wallpaper remover at Home Depot yesterday so that I could rip the wallpaper out of my bathroom and paint it. I already did the hall bathroom.

Did you ever paint a room such a hideously WRONG color that you had to paint it over again? Well, I did that in the hall bathroom...twice. First, I painted it this alarming blue that seemed like such a good idea at the time. If you can picture fire engine blue, that’s what it was. Then, I painted it shocking pink. I have utterly no idea what in the heck I was thinking when I chose THAT color. After all of that bullshit, the stupid bathroom is white now. And it took a LOT of white paint to cover up that blue and pink muddle.

I just went into the living room and my kid is doing all kinds of stuff that I never would have thought of. He’s taping edges and using sandpaper for something. The floors are all covered with sheets of plastic. Damn, I’m glad that I didn’t do it myself, I would never have thought of all that stuff. He’s doing an excellent job. I think I had better wait for a week or two before I ask him to finish the yard work for the year.

There isn’t too much left to do. I could probably do most of it myself now but I don’t want to. That house in Cartersville that I've been looking at has a very small yard that I could easily manage myself. Like this house, it has three bedrooms but one of them is going to be my very own play room. There won’t be a bed in it...I’ll have another room for playing in bed.

Uh oh...my ears are getting hot, the hives are starting.

OMG! I just looked in the mirror and I am all broken out in hives. Oh well, I asked for this.

Yesterday, when I was at Home Depot, I asked one of the Depot dudes where the wallpaper stripping stuff was. I knew that I had paid about 5 bucks for it the last time that I bought it. He pointed out a bunch of different brands of the stuff. Then, he started trying to sell me a tool that is basically a fancy razor that cuts holes in the wallpaper, thereby allowing the stripper to soak through the wallpaper. It was about 10 bucks. He was so persistent that you would have thought that he was working on commission. I asked him if ANY of Home Depot’s wallpaper strippers worked. He said that they all did. So, I asked him why you would need a special tool to get them to work. He just look baffled and walked away. I think that I may have hurt his little Depot feelings. I didn’t mean to...I just hate it when salespeople go so far as to make me feel uncomfortable. All I asked him was where the damn wallpaper stripper was.

Oh, after I went to Home Depot, I went to Target to get an alarm clock to replace the one that the dog ate. While I was there, I found some long john's on sale. So, I bought them. I'm wearing them now.

I don’t know why I just spent so much time telling you that boring wallpaper stripper story. Oh well, I guess I’m just boring today. So, I’m gonna take my boring self into my bedroom and see if there’s anything worth watching on TV. I was going to run to the store and buy some more ice cream but I can’t go out in public with my face full of hives so I’ll just wait for this allergic reaction to go away or turn into anaphylactic shock. I spelled anaphylactic right the first time! That was pretty good!

OK, now I’m really boring myself so I’m gonna go. I’ll be back later...have a good day!



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