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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I really feel like I'm insane and can't be sure it's not me that is causing the problems.

No, it's not you causing them, you're just allowing it. but that's OK, when you're ready, you'll walk away. It isn't worth trying to walk away until you're ready because you'll just come back and then he will think that you'll always come back. Right now it's just more comfprtable to stay with a known problem. The unknown is the scariest thing that exists but once you seek it out, you are actually BETTER than you were before...not just AS GOOD! Better! I am sure of that.

It's a bitch when you've left yourself with nowhere to turn, but I'm here and I DO understand. I think you see that. Stay in touch and keep the faith. Once again, be your own best friend and give yourself the advice that you would give your best friend. It'll be OK...I promise.



Blogger Mackenzie1975 said...

Oh Meg. Thanks for posting. It is so easy when you are IN a situation to believe it is unique and that you are making more of an issue than need be. But reading this (especially the part about EVERYTHING being your fault) made me realize that this is like a freaking epidemic...Cheating, lying, negativity and control freaks. Everyone deserves to be happy and in a healthy relationship. Being your own best friend is great advice!!!

September 07, 2006  

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