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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I gotta say...

when Abby screws up, she does it well. Today, after doing a pretty good job of answering the question, "Is it rude of one roommate to give tours of the rooms of other roommates who aren't at home when showing the "adobe" to friends?", she added this bonehead statement:

"...Any or all of these statements should suffice. However, if they don't -- take the person by the arm and "guide" her/him away...."

Now...correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that battery? Most people wouldn't make much hay about that sort of incident, but you could if you wanted to.

I had a temporary supervisor grab my arm to pull me back into a nursing station and then hold onto it as she spoke to me. I was stunned. I looked at her hand holding my arm and I asked, "Why are you restraining me?"

Even if I HAD been trying to escape her grasp, she had no business holding onto me. I wasn't. I wasn't even planning on it. When she grabbed me, I absolutely FELT violated and like I've said so many times...I trust my feelings....they just are. They're not right or wrong, they just are. So, if I FELT violated, I was violatd. Of course, I wasn't going to call the cops in...but it certainly did annoy the bejesus outta me.

Her response was to quickly take her arm back, fully realizing my wrath, if not my point. It shut her up...after a moment of silence, I did just walk away...and never heard anything else about whatever the heck she wanted to talk about.

Now, just because I wasn't going to call the cops that time, doesn't mean somebody wouldn't. And, given a different set of circumstances, I might just do it. I did break a guys nose once. He was drunk and pretty much had me backed up to a door that opened out. I knew I had one chance and I let it rip. He went down and I ran to my car and got the hell out of dodge. I ended up getting arrested for battery, by the way. Apparently I broke his nose in two places. After I told the D.A. what happened, he spoke to the nose dude and the charges were dropped right then and there. He was well over 6 feet tall. I didn't have any clue that I broke his nose at the time, I just took off when he went down. It didn't feel that hard when I did it.

That was an interesting week. Rick and I were on one of our little break ups...before we married. As I was leaving his apartment and gathering up my stuff, I took a make-up basket that just happened to have his keys inside it. When he went to work and didn't have the van keys...his boss talked him into filing charges of petty theft. He admitted later that he was wrong and he also dropped the charges without any prosecution...in front of the same judge in the same week. It was fun. Later, after we had gotten back together, he told me that he was going to ask me out to lunch after court...but I brought a date. (He was an attorney and I wasn't sure what was going to happen in court.) I didn't know it would be court and a Whopper. I had no reason to think Rick would be asking me out after court. Oh well, another missed opportunity. Unfortunately, Roanoke is a relatively small city and you keep running into the same people. And, eventually, I ran into him again and that time I didn't have a date. Oh well.

I was watching TV last night and I saw this absolutely gorgeous guy. It occurred to me that I wouldn't want to ever marry a guy so pretty. I would worry constantly that someone else would be after him and he's only human. If a troll like Rick can get laid so much, a pretty boy would have no problem at all.

Maybe that's being prejudiced, but I don't care. There's enough goofy looking guys if I care to marry one of them. But, for right now, I'll stick to pretty boys...for the fun of it.

You know, it just occurred to me that pretty boys have never cheated on me. What a nit wit I am. I only married one really pretty guy (Two if you count the one that I ditched on our wedding night...but I don't count him.) The pretty guy did cheat but he had a lot of other problems as well. Maybe I should try a pretty boy for once. The two that took me to court were both total frogs. That judge must have thought I was insane.

OK then, new rule, no more toads. Someone might grab the other's arm and we could end up in court.

I'd like to know what other women think about men and their looks. Does it matter how pretty they are when it comes to cheating? Or does it matter how pretty they think they are? OR...does it matter how funky looking they are and their need to get a bunch of hoes just to feel good about themselves?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh God, I would never ever EVER date a guy that's "prettier" than me. If you [a guy] own more hair/facial products than I do, take longer to get ready than I do, etc...I don't need to date you [the guy]. THANKS, but no thanks. I think guys like that would be happier dating THEMSELVES. The truth is, I have a problem with VAIN people in general. I HATE HATE HATE narcissistic people, I think it's disgusting and extremely self-centred.

Likewise, I would never date a guy who has a TRAIN of women going after him either. Maybe it's just because I'm not that competitive by nature. But I don't feel that I should have to FIGHT for my man's affection/attention. Imagine how TIRESOME it would be with other women constantly vying after him! Granted, it all depends if the man in question gives in to these other advances of course.

At the same time I don't think the propensity to cheat is a function of a person's looks either. I've known/seen plenty of UGLY ppl who manage to cheat on their significant others repeatedly.

February 07, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOLOL...that cracked me up. My other ex (the father of my kids) was one of those blow-dry dudes. He was quite convinced (and said so often) that he looked like Travolta. The night I met him he was wearing high waisted black polyester pants and a red silk shirt unbuttoned to his nipples with a bunch of gold chains in there with all 4 of his chest hairs. It was disco and that wasn't as tacky as it sounds now although the memory of it isn't as sexy as I thought it was at the time. Of COURSE he cheated. So did Rick, who you can see down with the other clowns. Go figure.


February 07, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Oh God, Meg - Mac and I were just having this discussion. I agree 100% with Cheryl.

By the way, every time that I feel depressed, I now look at that post with Rick and the clown. I don't know why... but it really makes me laugh.

February 07, 2007  
Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

I've had both and I have to say I did like the pretty ones...my old criteria (when I was young and vain) was that a guy had to have hair at least as long as mine.

I was a product of the 80's...lots of hair, AquaNet, skin, lace, spandex, fun music, sex and men with eye liner...oh I do miss it. :D

Anyway, they can be pretty or they can look like an English Bulldog...looks don't have anything to do with what is inside them. A cheater is a cheater and a genuinely good person is genuinely good. I think you have to use your "just starting out" period, or what would have been considered "courting" years ago to try to crack through their For The Public Image and see what is beneath the surface.

Of course, if I'd have had that thought 10 years ago, I'd not be where I am now...but, live and learn.


February 07, 2007  

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