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Saturday, November 03, 2007

I'm home again...

...and I missed a bunch of fun while I was working. This is the weekend that my son has the kids and as much as I hate to work and sleep while they're here, I have to this weekend. I figured that with my sister here, I could safely sleep and know that the kids won't come and wake me up. I feel so badly working while they're here and with my sister here, that's one more person for them to have fun with.

At about 3:30 this morning, I got a phone call at work from my son. He was upset because my sister left the house last night and came back with some strange dude. My son didn't say anything until he saw them walking into MY room where I keep MY bed. He knows how I feel about my room since I redecorated it. My sister obviously doesn't.

Then he said that when he kicked them both out, my sister left with my car and the guy. That wouldn't have been too much of a problem except for the fact that my son said she was "stumbling drunk". Imagine my surprise. Don't you just love being at work while other people are in your house and driving your car? I don't have a job that you can just leave so I had to work knowing that my stuff was all being disrespected.

My son called me a couple more times to tell me that she still hadn't come back. After I got off the floor, I sat at the station doing my documentation. As I was doing that, I heard someone trying to transfer a call to me. Apparently, my sister went home with the dude. He was supposed to wake her up at 7 but he overslept so she didn't get to my job until after 8. If she had waited 15 more minutes, I would have been driving home in a taxi-cab.

Ain't life grand?

Then, I have a lovely patient who's family was with her and the lot of them were a bunch of bigots. They were saying dreadful things about the other nurses. Most of the nurses that I worked with last night were black and the family was entirely prejudiced...so much so that they were using the N word as though it was the most natural thing in the world. For them, it probably was.

I'm sure that there are prejudiced people in the North...but it isn't as acceptable as it seems to be down here. And of course, not all Southerners are bigots...but I never heard people use that word while I was living up north as much as I've heard it since I've been down here. That's just a fact.

When I hear people use that word I can say something. I usually ask them what makes them think that I'm not offended by that word. I haven't gotten an answer yet. But I wasn't quite sure how to handle the situation last night. What do you guys think I should have done? I'm curious as to what is the appropriate way to deal with bigots in a professional setting such as a nurse-patient relationship. I imagine it will come up again sometime and I have no clue how to handle it. You guys tell me what you think and then I'll tell you how I DID deal with it.

Well, my granddaughter is putting braids in my hair. I taught her how to braid just a few weeks ago with yarn. I'm blown away that after one 10 minute braiding lesson with yarn...that little girl can braid my hair! After she finishes this last braid (I have 3), I HAVE to go to bed.

See you all later...and don't forget to help me out with the bigot situation. I will most likely have the same patients again tonight and if I do, I want to be ready with a good come back for the prejudiced patient and her family.

Thanks! See ya later!



Blogger Meg Kelso said...

That's just so sweet of you. Did you write it right before you left for church?

When I plant flowers in my garden, I plant flowers of all different colors. I do that because I think that it's beautiful. I imagine that when God planted his garden of people, He thought pretty much the same thing.

You...my fellow American...are a weed. Personally, I'd pull you out by the roots and toss you in the trash. But luckily for you, I have a feeling that God would handle it differently.

I have nothing else to say.

November 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad that we still have people that are that ignorant in our country.
I have a black child so this hits home.
and...I hope Obama gets elected if only to drive the people like this insane...and maybe they will move to Canada ; )


November 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Meg!

November 05, 2007  
Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

Actually, a Yankee is anyone with a pasty complexion who hasn't seen a tree in a year and who talks in a nasal accent while wearing a scarf and constantly drinking coffee whilst talking about his/her investments into his/her bluetooth headset!

Ergo, any rude person not from the south!

Signed, a real southern girl.

And as for the bad N word - all that does is show how classless people are. Trash is trash regardless of color - and no particular race needs a specific word to denote someone who is of low moral fiber. Grow a brain!

November 05, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

What the hell is a bluetooth headset? Damn...I'm not a very good yankee. I'm not even a yankee fan...I'm a Cubs fan. an I can't do anything right.


November 05, 2007  

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