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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I wonder what provokes...

...people to think these things:

"How do you even say that you arent angry when you can think such thoughts?"

That would never occur to me. I wouldn't say, "You're just happy..." or "You're just being silly...". Why would someone think, "You're just angry?" What's the point?

Did you see me say that I wasn't angry? I don't remember saying that. Did you read the very first post to this blog? Was I pretending to be sweet or something? I was pretty straightforward then and I am now. If you see anger, there's probably some anger. But I don't think you could make an argument that I dwell on it...I just spout it out and go on with my life.

And before you say, "Well, it's been over 3 years!" let me just say that I am so angry at what Rick did that I couldn't possibly imagine that ever going away. I'm good with that, though. There's a lot of people who have made me so angry that I never bothered with them again...like the people who I tell to "Fuck off!"

You just can't tell a person to "Fuck off" so easily when you've been together for so many years. Hell, I still have some of his stuff that he'll get back someday. I would tell him to fuck off...but I sort of can't. Maybe someday.

Until then, don't bother telling me that I sound angry. I never said that I wasn't angry. And the fact that I'd love to see him on the rack with his balls nailed down doesn't necessarily mean that I love him...it could just mean that he really pissed me off.

So, if you're thinking, "Damn, she does sound angry...", then cool. Let it be. I have a really, really good reason to be angry. Sol understands it because the exact same thing happened to her. She was really in love with someone who said that they loved her too. She loved him so much that she based her life on his promise of love. Then, just when she and her life were pretty much dependent upon that love, it was stolen. Yanking the love away is like having the rug pulled out from under you. It just takes a while to get up from that one.

There are 2 kinds of people, those who whine that I am angry and those who have had it happen to them. I've asked people who've been through the same thing how long it takes to get past the anger and they've told me that they never did, they just got used to living with it. So...I don't see it going away anytime soon. But don't take it as love because I'm quite sure it isn't.

I think I know how men must feel when they see a slut. The body is tainted...it's somehow nowhere near as sacred as most bodies are. The thought of mouth to mouth contact even grosses me out. I would feel as though I would have to use some sort of body rubber to even be near him naked...does that make any sense? There could never be any intimacy between us and I can't for the life of me understand how I ever let it happen in the first place.

Oh well, I have to do something else now...I'm not sure what but there has to be something that needs doing. I'll stand in the middle of a room and look for something to do. That's always fun. The last time I did it I found 2 pair of nasty panties. Maybe I'll find something fun again!



Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

I think people see things they way they want to, or based on their own experiences...so for you, telling someone to "fuck off" or asking WTF?? to Rick is just what it looked like. We see your entire message with no hidden agenda because there is none.

Some people need to read more into things than are really there. They require drama. Why else would they accuse you of being angry still? I mean, DUH! Your husband who promised to love and respect you for the rest of your lives slept with another woman, in your house even!, and you are supposed to not be upset?

They are just fishing to stir up drama to satisfy their own needs. I think there is quite enough drama going on on some other blogs...they should be able to find all they need by following some links...


October 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Yeah, I have this thing where the stuff in my head just comes right out of my mouth. I don't try to turn it into something else...I just say it like it is. As I told Rick, I'm not cryptic, I'll tell you just what's on my mind. And I do. I think you MUST be right because so many people do try to read much more into what I say or write. But it is what it is...nothing more.

Alas....my life is almost TOO drama freee right now! But...like anyone else, I could take any eensy weensy aspect of it and turn it into high drama if I wanted to...I just choose not to.

Guess I've seen enough in my day.


October 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, Meg? And just what a presumptous woman you are. How do you know that Solaris loved her EX husband? She hasn't slept with her husband in 2 years before he left her!

Meg, you would do so much better if you concentrate on YOUR faults instead of on Solaris' and Kates and the very pitiful Lara. Really, Meg, I do feel sorry for you. There's a reason why men cheat on women. Ladies, you're not concentrating on YOUR faults.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

Two cents:

People bitch because what you have to say hits too close to home for their personal comfort.

So...f'em they can't take it.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...Eliza, how perfect that someone should prove you right that quickly!

Talk about hitting close to home...this one was right on Sol's doorstep....or wherever it is she keeps her trash!



I just got called into work so I have to get all nursed up. I promise not to tell one person that they "aren't my patient"!

October 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Eliza. Any degree of uncomfort backs people into a corner and so they come out swinging, so to speak.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Karin's Korner said...

I just HAVE to comment on the first anonymous person's comment on this blog.

Really Anon???? Really??? How in the world do you know if Solaris had sex with her husband or not? Did you live with them? I think that if Solaris said that she loved her husband, then she loved her husband...who are you to judge what someone is feeling? Shame on you!!

As far as Meg, Kate and Lara...who are you to judge??? As far as I know, there is only one God and he is the judge, How dare you?

And there is NEVER a reason that a married man (or woman for that matter) should cheat on their spouse. If they are not happy in the relationship then they can leave....no need to cheat, that just makes them a cheater!

Sorry Meg, I just can't sit back and let someone go off like that. When I really don't think that they know what they are talking about.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


I certainly don't mind...knock yourself out. You're exactly right and only a husband stealing skank would think that there is ANY reason to cheat. As you said, you just leave...cheating is cheating and it makes the person automatically become the wrong-doer and the cheatee becomes the wronged party. If they left instead, they might be able to say the spouse was a jerk. But, when you cheat, you take the title of Jerk away for yourself.



October 30, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

I would have thought colon ( yes as in colon cancer) would be far to busy making sure colonised wasn't skirt chasing behind HER back to have time to stalk Sol.
Maybe she knows he is skirt chasing and thats why she is here?

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Yes, Meg, I understand your pain 100%. I too loved my husband a whole lot - I built my life around him, he was everything to me and I don't have to give out explanations to no one. ;)

And to moron/"anonymous"/Colon: For the record, we did have sex, duh! He was my husband. In fact, we had sex right up to the week after I found out about you!

October 30, 2007  

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