I had another traffic court to go to today...
...this one was for the last speeding ticket. I got a continuance because there was a really cute leather jacket that I wanted and if I paid the ticket I wouldn’t have been able to afford the jacket. It’s really just a matter of priorities, isn’t it? If you had a choice between a cute leather jacket and a speeding ticket, what would you do?
Now I need to get some boots to match it but I’ll worry about that later. Oh, yeah, gloves and a scarf too. Whatever, I’ll get that all some other time.
I need to buy a new phone so that I can talk to Todd without the battery wearing out. If it were anyone else, the battery would be my failsafe. If I can’t get someone off the phone, I know it’ll die soon anyway. But I like him and I hate when we get cut off.
I found that gasoline smell. Oddly enough it was gasoline. My son put the gas can on a plastic box with CD’s in it (On a fold-out table in my kitchen that I use for overflow guests from the other table.) and the gas reacted with the plastic and now the can is glued to the box. So, I stuck them both outside. I don’t know what that kid was thinking.
I lost a gold bracelet at the coat store and they just called to tell me that they found it. It’s a good thing I was in the leather gallery, that place is locked up. If it had been anywhere else, someone would have found it and walked off with it. Every once in a while, I get lucky like that.
I never would have been able to spend this much money on a jacket if I had still been married. I like this. I can do something totally irresponsible and there’s no one to get mad at me. It was my money and I spent it on myself without having to answer to anyone. This is so cool.
Another cool thing is speaking to someone with a brain. After being with the nit wit for so long, speaking to Todd is like speaking to an interesting mix of Einstein and Seinfeld. I love it. It’s a challenging thing to have a conversation with him. AND, I don’t have to explain the big words. I’ve always loved words and Todd knows a bunch of them. I’m not gonna keep on kicking myself but I swear, I don’t know what I was thinking when I married Rick. You think that a guy is just quiet and mysterious and then after a while, you realize that he’s just too stupid to contribute to any intelligent conversation. If I had to pick one word to describe Rick, it would be limited. It fits in so very many ways.
But I digress. My point was that I really enjoy speaking to Todd and I look forward to hearing from him. I don’t know why but I have that female “fear”, for lack of a better word, of calling men. I want to, I really do. But I usually don’t. I might if I have a good reason or if I haven’t heard from him in a while and need to see what’s up. But all in all, I leave that up to you guys.
Now, that doesn’t mean that we don’t wait for you to call. I was waiting for Todd to call and I got all stupid and worried. If something is bothering me, I will just come out and ask you about it. Some guys get the feeling that I shouldn’t “bitch” like that but I don’t. I ask those types of questions very matter-of-factly. The best I can figure is that usually when such topics come up it does mean an argument with most other women. It takes guys a while to see that I ask questions because I’m thinking about something that’s bothering me and the best way to put a stop to that is to just ask a question. I am very even keeled about it, I’m just curious. Would you rather I keep them inside of me and become bitter? That’s where bitches come from and, despite my moments, I am not truly a bitch. I’m not really even a bitch at all. I CAN act like a bitch if the situation calls for it, but in general, I’m pretty damn reasonable.
I got a little mad at myself because I underestimated Todd and that was unfair. My mind takes a stupid little misunderstanding and runs with it.
I think that it’s a good thing that it happened because I learned something from it and I feel all happy again. Whew, that was a close one.
I’ve decided to make a conscious effort not to make Todd pay for Rick’s mistakes. I wouldn’t want to be put in that position and I don’t want to do it to anyone else. Old habits are hard to break and I have this stupid habit of thinking the worst in all situations. Face it, in the past few years, I’ve been right. I have to get used to this. Not being wrong, but not worrying about it in the first damn place. Especially when a guy is so nice and funny at all times. I am seriously worried that my cheeks will have so much exercise that the muscles in them will make them grow huge.
I am not in the least bit worried about this guy. I am not an idiot. He is a gentleman and of that I am sure. I have a pretty good insight into people and I can size them up rather quickly. It comes from the large number of first dates that I’ve had. I can tell if ones a creep, perv or a childish alcoholic. I can also tell when a guy is just a normal guy. There are things I notice that assure me that a guy is a loser or a dangerous character and equally so, I notice certain things that assure me that a guy is normal and relatively harmless.
Trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s men. I just love you guys.
See ya,
Here is my jacket. The picture doesn't do it justice.
...this one was for the last speeding ticket. I got a continuance because there was a really cute leather jacket that I wanted and if I paid the ticket I wouldn’t have been able to afford the jacket. It’s really just a matter of priorities, isn’t it? If you had a choice between a cute leather jacket and a speeding ticket, what would you do?
Now I need to get some boots to match it but I’ll worry about that later. Oh, yeah, gloves and a scarf too. Whatever, I’ll get that all some other time.
I need to buy a new phone so that I can talk to Todd without the battery wearing out. If it were anyone else, the battery would be my failsafe. If I can’t get someone off the phone, I know it’ll die soon anyway. But I like him and I hate when we get cut off.
I found that gasoline smell. Oddly enough it was gasoline. My son put the gas can on a plastic box with CD’s in it (On a fold-out table in my kitchen that I use for overflow guests from the other table.) and the gas reacted with the plastic and now the can is glued to the box. So, I stuck them both outside. I don’t know what that kid was thinking.
I lost a gold bracelet at the coat store and they just called to tell me that they found it. It’s a good thing I was in the leather gallery, that place is locked up. If it had been anywhere else, someone would have found it and walked off with it. Every once in a while, I get lucky like that.
I never would have been able to spend this much money on a jacket if I had still been married. I like this. I can do something totally irresponsible and there’s no one to get mad at me. It was my money and I spent it on myself without having to answer to anyone. This is so cool.
Another cool thing is speaking to someone with a brain. After being with the nit wit for so long, speaking to Todd is like speaking to an interesting mix of Einstein and Seinfeld. I love it. It’s a challenging thing to have a conversation with him. AND, I don’t have to explain the big words. I’ve always loved words and Todd knows a bunch of them. I’m not gonna keep on kicking myself but I swear, I don’t know what I was thinking when I married Rick. You think that a guy is just quiet and mysterious and then after a while, you realize that he’s just too stupid to contribute to any intelligent conversation. If I had to pick one word to describe Rick, it would be limited. It fits in so very many ways.
But I digress. My point was that I really enjoy speaking to Todd and I look forward to hearing from him. I don’t know why but I have that female “fear”, for lack of a better word, of calling men. I want to, I really do. But I usually don’t. I might if I have a good reason or if I haven’t heard from him in a while and need to see what’s up. But all in all, I leave that up to you guys.
Now, that doesn’t mean that we don’t wait for you to call. I was waiting for Todd to call and I got all stupid and worried. If something is bothering me, I will just come out and ask you about it. Some guys get the feeling that I shouldn’t “bitch” like that but I don’t. I ask those types of questions very matter-of-factly. The best I can figure is that usually when such topics come up it does mean an argument with most other women. It takes guys a while to see that I ask questions because I’m thinking about something that’s bothering me and the best way to put a stop to that is to just ask a question. I am very even keeled about it, I’m just curious. Would you rather I keep them inside of me and become bitter? That’s where bitches come from and, despite my moments, I am not truly a bitch. I’m not really even a bitch at all. I CAN act like a bitch if the situation calls for it, but in general, I’m pretty damn reasonable.
I got a little mad at myself because I underestimated Todd and that was unfair. My mind takes a stupid little misunderstanding and runs with it.
I think that it’s a good thing that it happened because I learned something from it and I feel all happy again. Whew, that was a close one.
I’ve decided to make a conscious effort not to make Todd pay for Rick’s mistakes. I wouldn’t want to be put in that position and I don’t want to do it to anyone else. Old habits are hard to break and I have this stupid habit of thinking the worst in all situations. Face it, in the past few years, I’ve been right. I have to get used to this. Not being wrong, but not worrying about it in the first damn place. Especially when a guy is so nice and funny at all times. I am seriously worried that my cheeks will have so much exercise that the muscles in them will make them grow huge.
I am not in the least bit worried about this guy. I am not an idiot. He is a gentleman and of that I am sure. I have a pretty good insight into people and I can size them up rather quickly. It comes from the large number of first dates that I’ve had. I can tell if ones a creep, perv or a childish alcoholic. I can also tell when a guy is just a normal guy. There are things I notice that assure me that a guy is a loser or a dangerous character and equally so, I notice certain things that assure me that a guy is normal and relatively harmless.
Trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s men. I just love you guys.
See ya,
Here is my jacket. The picture doesn't do it justice.

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