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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Good morning!

I have to leave for my friend's house soon but I wanted to pop in and check the poll results for the question regarding the geography teacher who compared Bush to Hitler. I couldn't do that because there was some stupid pop-up ad that wouldn't go away. I've never seen that before.

Anyway, if I remember correctly, most people thought that the guy was NOT evil and they agreed, in one way or another, with what the man was trying to do. My opinion is that the topic had no place in a geography glass but getting past that and going on to the content of what he said...when I heard the media report it, I was appalled. I absolutely thought the guy was nuts. But, then I looked up the transcript of what he actually DID say and to be honest, I didn't think it was all that bad. I saw his point and other than his atrocious grammar, I DO think that he was trying to teach the kids critical thinking skills. I think that he was a little one sided in his approach and that he should have encouraged debate amongst the students, but after reading what he said, I didn't find it to be as offensive as the media reported it to be. Critical thinking is a lost art nowadays. Far too many people take what the media says for fact. The media are the people who manipulate through commercials.

When Ivory Soap advertised that it was 99 and four tenths % pure, they never mentioned pure WHAT. I see potato chips in the grocery store that say "no cholesterol". Of course there's no cholesterol in a potato chip, cholesterol is found in meat. You can find any number of bread products in the store that says "whole grain", but you can't actually buy real whole grain bread in a grocery store. Not the kind that's any different from the rest of the bread that you buy in a grocery store. Then, the Excedrin people charge a dollar more for a box of Excedrin Migraine when it's the EXACT same stuff as the regular Excedrin. What an major rip off!

So, when the people who mainpulate us for profit are in charge of the dissemination of information, its not a good idea to let critical thinking slide. Actually, it'd be a good idea to add it to the curriculum of all junior hugh schools.

Damn...I just had a thought and the phone rang so my thought it is gone.

Whatever. I was just watching the news and they were bitching about Girl Scout Cookies not having expiration dates. I've never had them around long enough to worry about when they expired. I don't think most expiration dates are worth worrying about. I can tell if something's bad.

I have a friend who goes dumpster diving and he has actually saved tens of thousands of dollars on stuff that is thrown away everyday by grocery stores. It's amazing that they would throw away food when so many people are starving. Cheese gets tossed and cheese is just milk that's allowed to spoil. Go figure.

When I was in the slammer, there was a drug addict chick who told me that she and her boyfriend used to do that. They would go to the dumpsters of Pier One Imports and take some pretty nice things out and sell them for drug money.

I see that they're putting expiration dates on canned stuff now and that's almost silly. My grandmother died in 1980 and years later, we were still eating things that she had canned.

Anyway, the expiration dates of Girl Scout Cookies isn't a big problem. I think the problem is the people making money off of those little girls. If the Girl Scouts themselves got the major portion of the profit, I would buy a lot more than I do. When my kids were in school, I didn't let them go door to door selling crap and I didn't take the stuff to my job either. They just didn't win the prize for selling the most. If the band needs uniforms, let the parents pay for them.

OK...I have to go to my friend's house to take care of her for a while today. She has a list of things that she wants me to do so I better get going.

See ya!



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