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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hi there!

I'm feeling better now. I have a question for someone, for whoever it was that called a friend of mine yesterday on my behalf. They introduced themself as my best freind and I have no clue who it was. If it was someone that I know, I'm sure that they were doing it as a favor to me. If it was someone else, I think that they did it to be mean. Anyway, my friend wants me to find out who it was so this is my attempt.

I see that the the feds are taking the McKinney thing seriously. I'm quite pleased to see that. I still doubt that the woman will pay any price for what she did, but it's nice to see that someone is taking the incident seriously, whoever the perpetrator might be. I think that she did herself no favors by accusing the cop of racism. In this post 9/11 world, we are ALL dealing with increased security, especially at likely targets such as government buildings. If that nut can't put her damn pin on and go through the same security checks that everyone else goes through, then she shouldn't bitch when the security people treat her like the rest of us.

It isn't racist to check out people going into these places. To the contrary, it's racist to think that McKinney deserves special treatment because of her race. She didn't say that, but her actions say that she believes that she does, indeed, deserve special treatment. What's supposed to happen? Are the DC cops supposed to let the black people go through unchecked for fear of being called racist? Of course not.

I applaud the feds for taking this assault on a police officer seriously. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard that they were going to take the case to a Grand Jury. Like I said, I doubt it will go anywhere, but I certainly think that it's a step in the right direction and perhaps Ms. McKinney and those like her will think twice before they demand special treatment again.

It amazes me that there are those who won't let the race issue die and allow all Americans to live together in peace. Far too many people make a lot of money and garner a lot of attention by beating the racism drum and as long as we as Americans cater to them, things will get worse. It's as though they want, need and encourage division amongst the races. It makes me ill.

Many white people walk on eggshells when they're around minority groups. They behave in ways that they would never behave around other white people. I see people going out of their way to convice minorities that they aren't prejudiced when they never did anything wrong in the first place. Martin Luther King Jr. said that until people of all colors are treated equally, there would never be equality for any of us. Well, he was right. There won't be equality as long as any race demands special treatment. It is an impossibility.

Things won't change overnight, of course, but things can get better slowly. Sometime around the OJ Simpson trial, things began to get worse and they got worse quickly. I remember a time when people of all colors got along well. Not everyone was open-minded and there certainly were people who were bigoted, but they were a dieing breed and if society was left to continue growing in maturity and decency, who knows where we could have been by now? But, when the race baiting began in earnest and careers were made by those who would like to convince white people that they are evil...things began to get worse.

When you take a group of people and accuse them of something that they are not guilty of, anger is the result. You turn them into the type of people that you say you don't want. I know people who were never, ever prejudiced but after years of being accused of being just that, they are becoming what they never were. That's what the anger has resulted in.

Ms. McKinney was most certainly NOT the victim of racism. Only a jack ass would believe that. What would a cop have to gain by harrassing a congresswoman? Nothing. But, if that officer doesn't do his job properly, he has a lot to lose.

Hopefully, the stand the feds are taking will be the first step to putting an end to the constant race baiting that America has become the victim of. I hope that more people fight back when accused of being a racist. Then, and only then, will all Americans truly become equal.


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