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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

If it had only been so easy...

...I would have done this years ago. It seems as though a Muslim woman rold her friends that she heard her hubby say the word "divorce" in his sleep three times and now she has to leave the house. Apparently, all you need to do under Muslim law to divorce is say the word three times. The problem is, she and her husband don't want a divorce.

The law there doesn't care. Not only must they seperate, they can't remarry until she sleeps with ANOTHER man and divorces him. How cool! The law says she HAS to do that or she can't go back to her husband. I bet she thinks twice before she shares her pillowtalk with her friends again.

You better be careful what you say in your sleep. Once, I was somewhere in between being asleep and being awake and I heard myself say a man's name. The problem was, a different man was lying next to me and I was just awake enough to know what I had done. Luckily, I have an uncle by the same name of the man who's name I said in my sleep so I just mumbled something about Uncle Steve and that was the end of that.

My dog got ear mites when I took him on that little vacation in January. He's miserable and I can't afford to take him to the vet. I put some oil in his ears and cleaned them out the best that I could. Then, I saw him rubbing his ear on the floor so I put some hydrocortisone drops in his ears to stop a bit of the itching. That didn't work for very long so I went to the store and bought something to spray in his ears that should help the itching. He lets me spray it in there but then he shakes his head so violently that his ears flap back and forth like a hummingbird's wings. Someone told me that glycerin might help so I bought some of that too. I think that it's supposed to suffocate the mites which is the same reason that I put the oil in there. I hate seeing him so miserable.

I'm going to post a picture of him up on the blog. With any luck at all, that picture will be right beneath this post.

I just flooded the living room. I can't believe that I keep doing that. You would think that I would remember to put the stupid hose outside but I never do. So, once again, every towel I have is soaking up the water so I have about 3 more loads of laundry to do.

It's a beautiful day and I'd love to take the dog for a walk but I can't find his leash. I haven't seen it in two weeks. I wouldn't have hidden the leash from myself. I keep thinking that sooner or later I'll come across it but I never do.

OK...it's far too nice here to stay inside so I'm going to call someone and see if I can find something to do.

Oh, before I go, Rick finally did call. He was full of suggestions for me. That's so very thoughtful of him. I absolutely MUST get a roommate...even Rick said it was a good idea.

See ya!!!


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