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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I was reading...

...another blog and the woman was talking about feelings that I haven't had since I was in my marriage. Life sort of pushed them out of the way, but then I read how she felt when she tried calling her husband who should have been at home:

You didn't answer.
I went numb. I broke out in a sweat. My heart raced.
I was driving but really cannot remember anything else. I was in a daze. This wasn't happening. You wouldn't do this to me, would you?

I remembered that numbness...that total body tingle that precedes the hideous ache in your gut. That foggy-headed lightness that comes before the terrible urge to pull out your own hair. The absolute panic that you absolutely cannot do one thing to calm. The helpless feeling, the knowledge that something's wrong but no one will tell you what it is...they know...why don't they tell you? Why doesn't ANYONE tell you what's happening? And then you have to act like there's nothing wrong.

If you question him, you'll just hear more lies...even if he's telling the truth, you won't ever know it, it's almost stupid to even talk but you can't do anything else because nothing's wrong...just ask him. He'll tell you that nothing's wrong. Nothing but your maddening insecurities, anyway.

Living like that isn't fun at all. Consumed with the need to know, you become a CSI detective. You look for fiber evidence on clothing, lipstick on the fast food drink straws in the back seat trash, and you check receipts. Every receipt you can get your hands on. Searching for clues become an obsession. Phone records, credit card bills and his very behavior are all scrutunized for signs of the elephant that's standing right there in the room.

The dishonesty is tortuous. You KNOW he's lying...or is he? Is it me? He says it is. Maybe he's right....I AM doing this to myself. After all, that's easier to believe than the truth that's right in front of me. So...he says the only hope is if I go into treatment for my insecurity. I do. The counselor tells me I'm fine, we just need couples counseling. He goes twice, once with me and once alone. Did he tell the counselor the truth? What the hell IS the truth?

So, they put ME on anti-depressants. Now I have a psychiatric history.

Then, since I'm STILL in the way, keeping him from where he really wants to be, he becomes violent. Now there's an arrest or two for domestic violence on his record.

He comes home again. The lies continue. The same old shit, every single day...it never lets up.

And then it occurs to you...he has set up a perfect defense should you want to put an end to it all and shoot him in the head!

The therapy...the mind altering medicines...the abuse...the constant lies...the other women....AHA! Not a jury in the state of Georgia will convict me! Even if they find me guilty of something, I won't serve more than a couple years...and that would be worth it! Suddenly the horrible panic mode leaves and you feel a calm that you haven't felt in years. This truly is the only way to put an end to the pain.

But then you remember your kids and you just divorce the bastard.



Blogger Determined said...

If they no longer love you, why do cheaters continue to lie? What's so bad about just moving out with the new girl, or just divorcing your wife?

Only after the affair is found out, do they take some sort of action.

I think the whole thing is very mean, but then again, I don't think that cheaters understand the pain that they are inflicting. The pain is unbearable - but they'll never know - not until they fall in love and then it happens to them.

February 08, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

If they no longer love you, why do cheaters continue to lie?


And karma is truly a bitch, in that fact I have faith. I just sit back and let that handle the retribution nowadays.


February 08, 2007  
Blogger Karin's Korner said...

I gotta tell you Meg, I kinda did exactly what you are talking about to my first husband. We were married for almost 20 years, he cheated on me after the first, I'd say 5 years of marraige and then I took him back and I cannot tell you truthfully that he ever cheated again. However, I waited until the kids were older and then I got the balls to leave him, he was devestated, I don't think I could have picked a better (or worse) time to leave. It left me with a sickening feeling and I felt horrible but on the other hand......what comes around goes around and that is that.

February 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I've never been cheated on (yet)...yet I can relate to the situation you described above. Why is that? What a scary thought. The paranoia that consumes you, looking for any and all clues that might incriminate him...maybe it's not such a coincidence that I like watching CSI so much afterall. My intuition tells me one thing, yet HE and the "evidence" tells me another.

But you're right Meg, karma IS a bitch. I truly believe that people will always get what they deserve in the end. So instead of torturing myself with my "insecurities" I'll let karma do its work for me.

SolarisGal, you're right. But I think people in general don't understand the pain of unrequited love, until it happens to them personally.

February 08, 2007  
Blogger Jaded said...

Is it really that they're just cowards, as if that isn't bad enough... or is it because they like the idea of being in charge. They know something that you don't, and therefore have the upper hand. They get off by knowing that their wives are too stupid to figure it all out, and when ultimately the DO figure it out, they still try to make you feel crazy. Then, they justify the affair by saying it's because you drove them to it.

I think it has little to do with love and more to do with power and control. Of course, I could be totally wrong. Fortunately, I've not been in the same position. Mr. Jaded is a loyal, loving man. I don't take that for granted for even a second.

February 08, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Yeah Karin, in the end, it's truly tough to forget once the lies have been told and the vows broken. Something is never the same again and at worst you go insane and at best you sit back, do nothing until you're totally ready to go and then just hit the road.

The paranoia is truly unbearable and I couldn't even hide it. When we'd get in the car, he'd see my eyes darting all over. Why he felt the need to protect her over me...I'll never understand, but he did. Whatever.

Yes, karma is just so damned dependable, if more people just sat back and waited for it, there'd be fewer people in prison. It keeps me out.


February 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, I can't even go there. How about you find out that your husband has a significant other, in a different state and then he's diagnosed with a life threatening cancer? Oh, and you've been married for 30 years, stupid, home, raising kids, with honestly no signs, and then you feel like you can't leave...just yet.

February 08, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Yeah, Cheryl - How can they possibly understand it? I equate the pain of being cheated on by someone you love as being fully awake yet paralyzed during surgery! Like a medication gone wrong sort of experience. You want to scream, get away from there, do anything, but you have to take it - the horror, the pain, the trauma.

My stbx husband never had his heart broken. Maybe that explains why it was so easy for him to walk away from his marriage. (That and the psycho slut who became available and encouraged him to "have our little daughter together", lest not forget)

How strange, Karin, why would you leave him after you took him back? I'm just curious.

February 08, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Chris, I would have to say that I would skip, merrily, out the door. I don't know if I could actually DO that, but I would love the opportunity to find out.

Gal, STBX has his time coming, of that I'm sure. Don't forget to let us know when it does happen!

Jaded, Could be power, could also be the utmost of selfishness, but in the end, it's their lack of honor...they don't have a clue about that word. They don't have the courage to face life on the terms that they set up...and they want out. Then, they lie and/or blame it all on you.

Too afraid to accept the blame, too weak to stay and work on the marriage, too sorry to tell the truth. To me, that's a coward.

Of course, the word BUM works well too.


February 08, 2007  
Blogger Jaded said...

Oops, just stopped back and realized I said something other than what I'd meant...

I said that they get off "knowing" their wives are stupid, when I meant to say that they get off "thinking" their wives are stupid.


February 08, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Don't you hate when that happens? I can't go back and fix the comments when I've made glaring errors, so I just delete them and start over...if anyone else sees a glaring error, they can resend it and I'll lose the old one.

See ya!

February 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My X constantly accused me of cheating. Intercepting phone calls, going through my mail, looking in the back of the car for clues. I never cheated on him - ever. I had 2 toddlers to take care of, work full time and am in the National Guard. When in the world would I have found time to cheat?

He do know he wasn't cheating. He was obsessed with the fact that I might, however.

He's now my X. That is one of the main reasons I left him.

Spicy Meatball's Mama

February 09, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Well, I knew that Rick HAD cheated in the past, he admitted to whatever I found out indisputably...like a love letter. He was obviously lying...and he hated me. But he said nothing was wrong except me and my insecurity. Ha.


February 09, 2007  

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