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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


...my hunger strike is going fine. I snuck in a bowl of ice cream with Magic Shell last night but that doesn't count because I was practically sleepwalking. I woke up in the middle of the night and before I knew it, I was standing in front of the freezer, just staring at the contents. I saw the ice cream and I had funk mouth so rather than brush my teeth, I decided to eat the ice cream. I knew that I'd be brushing my teeth in a couple of hours anyway. Other than that, I'm maintaining my hunger strike pretty well.

Remember when I was trying to decide what hunger strike to use? I was discussing whether to drink tea, water or nothing at all. I decided that to drink nothing at all would kill me and I don't want to die, I just want to be on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. And since I have to have fluids to survive, I've decided that a mixture of fluids would be good. So, this is what I am limiting myself to during my hunger strike:

unsweet tea

Coffee with cream and sugar (but only before 4 PM!!!)
Starbuck's Green Tea Frappe or Strawberry Cream Frappe

OK then, forget the ice cream...I'm starting the hunger strike right....NOW! Now, you can start telling people that, "Meg is on a hunger strike until she gets on Who Wants to be a Millionaire!" with faith in my ability to go without food until I'm allowed to go on that show or until I get to a size zero, I don't have any smaller clothes than that.

I may even get myself an ice crusher thingie so that I can make my own frozen frappe's. Wouldn't that be good? I could even make malteds. Those are so damned good. People don't make malteds like they used to, that's too bad. All you have to do is buy the malt mix at any grocery store and stir it into a vanilla shake. Damn those suckers are good.

When I was a little girl, my grandparents had a restaurant and they would make me whatever I wanted when I spent my summers there. One of my favorite things from the restaurant was a 7-Up and lime sherbet soda. I guess coming off the 50's, they still had a lot of ice cream soda combinations back then.

It sure is fun to have the run of your grandparents restaurant and have all the employees cater to you. I had a good time. I would go every morning and the cook lady/waitress would make me oatmeal and then I would help her make cole slaw. Her hubby would take over the kitchen when they opened and she would go up front and wait on people. I guess I was a good girl, but would I even have known if I had been a pain in the ass? One way or another, they all did seem to like me. Of course they were on my grandparent's pay roll.

I have to go and take a nap so that I can work tonight but before I go I wanted to say something. I publish 99.7% of all the comments that are left on this blog. I don't mind at all if someone disagrees with me, nor do I mind if someone calls me names, if it's in the context of some argument. But, when a comment is left with no intelligible message and is simply left for the purpose of attacking other people who comment, it will not be published.

There is a moderation function for the comments and I never let the spam go through, nor these lunatics. Furthermore, when I see who it's from, I delete it without reading it. So, my insane little snake, if you really enjoy wasting your time, go right ahead...all it costs me is a button click. But you might want to consider getting a hobby...or maybe even a life, have you ever considered that?




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