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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Damn it...

...I'm a bad example. Oh well, I was so trying to be an excellent example. I was trying ever so hard to teach through my kindness, my patience and my undying sympathy for cheaters. I used every fiber of my being in my unremitting quest to be more like Mother Teresa than any other scorned woman on the planet.

I wanted so much to be judged for the saintly behavior that I exhibited back in January 2005 when I began this blog with these words..."There were many signs that my husband was cheating on me again but when he started brushing his teeth on a daily basis, I knew something was up." Can't you just see the compassion in my words? The selflessness in my theme? The consideration in my punctuation?

I hope so. And why do I hope so? Because I want to be a good example for Solaris. That's all I've ever wanted and it's the main reason behind this blog. Discussing Rick was just a ruse, a scam, a hoax. My subterfuge has known no end in the perpetual pursuit of my purpose...which is and always has been, simply to be a good example to Solaris.

Solaris, I've been found out and for that I don't apologize. But, I honestly thought that I would be able to propogate this ploy for a few more years before someone caught on to me. I contemplated many topics for the fake blog before I finally settled on the Divorcing Rick idea. I knew damn well that your husband would cheat on you with some bimbo who should know better, even though he didn't start fucking her until the following year. So, I cooked up this entire scam just to be waiting for you when you went searching for blogs to read...I knew that sooner or later you would come to mine. To be honest with you, I was lying in wait.

And why? All so that I could be...a...good...example....for...you. I knew that your pliable brain would bend to my subtle manipulation. I knew that you were nothing but a blank slate...an Etch-A-Sketch for me to "etch" on as I turned the knobs of your soul. And now, the entire world knows and I'm GLAD!!!! For once I can tell you what I've wanted to tell you ever since the day that you finally stepped into my lair...you must be more like me. I'm doing all I can to suck you in...girl, won't you be me?

After you learn how to act like me, we can lure more women to act like US! We can begin a cult of evil scorned women. You know how stupid women are...surely we can bend the minds of all of them. HA! Those maleable fools...they are putty in my hands.

But for now all I need is to be a good example to Solaris...through hell or high water (whatever that means). I have devoted so much of my life to teaching her how to be like me that I don't have anything else better to do. I wouldn't know what else to do, I so need her to be like me. Solaris, do you hear me? You must be like me. I hear that you are already starting to act like me. Apparently it's so obvious that others are picking up on it. Soon even your own family won't recognize you any longer. They'll wonder why you're suddenly worth having around. Why you finally aren't such a bore. Why all of a sudden you have things to talk about...memories that make you what you are...pleasant stories that only they share.

They'll love the new you...Lord knows it's been working so damned well for me.


Blogger Karin's Korner said...

I knew it Meg!! I just knew it. I started reading or at least responding before Solaris and I knew even back then, you were waiting for her.....slinking and slitering around....waiting and watching....wondering just how long it would take to get her into your blogland. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA She got ya Solaris!!!

And this is why I love this blog!!

June 19, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

*Solarisgal walks in with an entranced look on her face*

Hey girlie girl, what is all this talk about me? Has some nitwit jackass been bothering you? Let me take care 'em for ya okay? I'm fucking good at this. Its what friends are for.

*Solaris wakes up from being entranced***

where am I?... My head hurts and I feel...nervous...

*Goes back to being entranced*

Shhhhit... I hate anxiety. That's why God made Xanax. I gotta suck my coffee and make sure I take them suckers before my hot date tonight. Wouldn't want to give another one of those sex rainchecks.

* wakes up again from being entranced*

Wow, man, what are these pills... What am I doing... This is so twilight zone...

*goes back to being entranced*
You know.... Back when I did my time in Gogia, I exchanged kotex for cigarettes.... *lights up and takes a puff* I mean, why in the fuck did I need all those Kotex's for?!?
***wakes up from trance ***

I could have sworn I bought a pack of Ko... Newports?...what the hell is this?
***goes back to being entranced***
I hate Jjjjjjjj Rrrrrr. Jjjjjjjjjef. Riiiiiiiiick.
To my fuck of an ex...
"Fuck everything you ever said.Fuck everything you put in my head.Fuck the trip that you've been on.Fuck every place your dumbass has gone......
Solaris falls down on her knees and yells*
OH MEGGETH. I aspire to be like you... I accept!!! *rips jacket open and and cries as thunder is heard in the background*

Accept me,accept me, accept me as your mini me, for I too want to rule half the world ...mold every malleable womans mind into an evil scorned empire!!!

June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you've out done yourself, can a Pulitzer be far behind?

June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the scoop? I assume you've heard from CL and it doesn't sound pretty!

June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Packs everyone a big fat cone of maryjane and passes it to the left.
Makes a big tray of hundreds and thousands on a soft fresh white bread and passes them to the right.

I can only speaketh for me eth but a blog is a place we dribble, vent, bitch moan then get on with reality. A blog is like a convo with ya mate who knows when to listen and when to comment, a good mate only hands out advise if your asking for it. It's a place where you can just talk dribble and not have it taken too seriously. Or atleast thats how I see it.
Okay whos got the bong ? and share those sandwiches LOL

June 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thourght I say hello to my mate Stephanie and I pass the bong back to er!

June 21, 2007  
Blogger Anne Arky said...

When I was a teenager, I was routinely accused of being a bad influence on my female friends, almost to a one. It was really quite hilarious, actually, because I was (and pretty much remain) the poster child for Goody Two Shoes, and all the mothers who accused me of corrupting their little darlings had little darlings who had done then things that I haven't done YET! The worst thing anyone could have ever convicted me of was having a very spicy vocabulary, but I certainly had sense enough not to display my profane prowess in the presence of the parents -- that is to say, when we were introduced, I refrained from saying things like, "Damn glad to meet you. How the fuck are you?"

June 24, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Knowing you the way I do, Anne, I think that your friends probably used you as an excuse more than you would have ever known. THEY knew what a goody two shoes you were (as do I) and to THEM you seemed like a safe lie for the folks. Then, when they got into trouble doing something "with you", the parents blamed you. I can't imagine any other reason that a parent wouldn't want you around their kids. Maybe one, but not a group of them.

Yes, I can't certainly testify that Anne is, in fact, a goody two shoes. But, I love her anyway.


June 24, 2007  

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