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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This post is just a...

...quick note to all of the other bloggers who have been annoyed by the freak who speaks like an illiterate fool. I just figured out who it was...and guess what? It's the plagiarizing skank that has been trying to annoy the entire blog world.

They BOTH used the word "fuctard".

Alrighty then...one day too many. If she would have stopped acting like an idiot a couple of days ago, we wouldn't have known it was her. Now we know.

Sorry to break my own rule banning her from the blog but that was too important to let it slide.

OK...I'm banning her from the blog starting....NOW!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! Meg, you're right! Call me and I'll give you MY proof that she's the nut who did that. If you didn't mention the fuctard thing I wouldn't have thought of it.


September 26, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

about the the illiterate - lord have mercy - as those were some very nasty and embarrassing comments.

Now hurry up with your visitor caus eyou've left me in suspense!

September 26, 2007  

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