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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hi there!!!

I just woke up after sleeping over 12 hours. I needed that. I had been up for close to 36 hors if not longer.

As much as I love my bed, I can't spend that much time in any bed without getting a backache so now I have one. By the way, when I mentioned the many afflictions that come to us as we enter our seasoned years, I forgot to mention that with age comes a greater appreciation for one's spine. Actually, all of our bones need extra special attention. Sally Field was right about that. Women begin to hear people warn them to be careful so they don't "break your hip!"

Hip breaking is a bad thing...mess one up well enough and you'll end up in a nursing home with a bunch of young people dressing you and feeding you some mighty nasty food. And when they feed you, it's in a dining room with a bunch of other seasoned people. Some of them tend to drool so it's not as pleasant as it could be.

Well, I finally got the chance to lie down and sleep until I woke up myself and now I'm trying to come out of that coma.

I bought the tickets to LA last night. I'll be leaving next Tuesday morning. I have one layover, I forgot where and then I'll be with my daughter. By the way, I spoke to her about her birthday and her evening with Corey Feldman and his wife. My daughter spent most of that time speaking to Feldman's wife who told her that as far as the show, The Two Corey's is concerned, she will not be a part of the show next season.

The last show of this past season ended with the 2 Corey's having a bit of an argument, actually over the wife. Corey Haim and her didn't get along well at all. I don't know who's idea it was to keep the wife out of the show next season but my guess is that Corey Haim wouldn't do it if the wife was involved. That's only a guess, not any inside info that I have. The only "inside info" that I do have is the fact that the wife won't be in the show next season.

I can't catch up with the housework at all. The kids were here this past weekend so I've been trying to clean up their mess but I've had so many other things to do that I haven't been able to catch up at all. And with my father threatening to drive up here some day this week, I need to get this place clean.

Of course, I could just leave it a mess and let Dad get annoyed, I don't care at this point. He hates a messy house but if he can't at least give me a DAY when he'll be here, I can't get the place Daddy Clean and keep it that way. With all the work, sleep and pre-trip stuff that I've had to do, the housework is just at the bottom of my list of priorities.

I don't have a clue what to take to LA. I don't have any fake boobs but I could go out and buy a push-up bra. I suppose that I could bleach my hair and stop eating until I am LA chic thin. I probably should have done that earlier...now I have less than a week to lose a bunch of weight.

My cable is out and I've been dealing with the Comcast people for a couple of days. It just keeps getting worse and worse. As soon as the cable is back, if it ever comes back, I'll have them pro-rate the bill and subtract the days that I had no cable.

These people are mighty ballsy. After they tied to fix the cable and couldn't...they tried to sell me their phone service. I asked the chick if it works as well as the cable tv service and she actually said, "Yes it does."!

I told her that, "If that's the case, I won't be able to call you when the cable tv is out so I'd rather not switch phone companies." For a moment she tried to talk me into buying their phone service but I guess she saw how stupid it was to sell something to a person who is already having service problems with her company.

So, now they'll be out tomorrow between 9 AM and 1:30 PM. Then, when I pay the bill, I'll send between $33 and $92.

For some reason, the last time I shaved my legs I tore them up. I don't know why, I didn't use anything different. Last night I got some new shaving cream...I'll have to see if that makes a difference. Oops, now that I think of it, I should probably leave my legs alone until the scabs heal. Damn it, I could use Nair...but that'll burn, won't it?

Do you guys shave your thighs? I stop at my knees. I don't really have any hair on my thighs so I just never started shaving that high. I guess there's no reason to start now. I'm almost done using my legs anyway...it's far too late in life to change any habits like the way I shave my legs.

YIKES! The experimental drug people called to say that they can't see what I'm doing with my electronic device because I unplugged the cradle and now I can't find it! I must run around the house looking for it now.

I'll be back soon!



Blogger Unknown said...

Wow!! you sound great!!! as well as look good to ......I should know. Nudge nudge ...wink wink

October 10, 2007  

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