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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

OK...now it's time...

...to become a democrat. I just read that the first official baby boomer (Born one second after midnight in January 1946) just applied for benefits under the Social Security Program. All of this time that so many people have spent trying to keep taxes and spending low has been for naught. The government has been borrowing all the money that the baby boomers have paid into the retirement system, so soon, there won't be anything left except a pile of IOU's.

Now that most of my working years are behind me, you can tax the rest of the people who want liberal spending to rule the day. Everyone seems to want to help every single person with every single need that they could possibly have.

I haven't asked the government for any cash, I've pretty much been one of the people who pays over 30% of my income Tothe government. When I finish working, I'll be ready to collect my money back. The only problem is that the government has seen the baby boomers and their income as a cash cow one to borrow from for decades. Now, the note is about due and after trying to find a party who won't take my money and give it to anyone who asks for it or one that won't take it and buy weapons with it, I've decided to go with the party who wants to give it away to anyone who asks for it. At my age, doesn't it make sense?

No matter how hard me or the rest of the country tried, we couldn't get a leadership who would save a bit of the taxes that were paid with the promise of social security. Instead, thanks to the idiots who thought that the government owed US...the cash has been paid out to every person with a limp and many without one. Have you seen some of the people on disability? While some certainly deserved it, I have a feeling there's HUGE percentage of people who are scaming the system. There are probably those who actually BELIEVE that they're disabled when they aren't. They're "victims" of some sort I'm sure.

Well, now it's our turn. Baby boomers are 80 million strong and we've pretty much kept the country going over the past few decades. Now that we're done, where's our cash? All that money that was there when we were working at the highest numbers ever looked like such an easy source of income for every branch of the government except the one that it was paid to. So, everyone and their brother took the money that was supposed to be for our retirement. There were 16 of us working for every single recipient that the government paid out. Now we'll be lucky if there are 3 people working for every one that takes money out.

I bet the government will get all frugal soon. The line of takers is getting too long in comparison to the line of givers and that's a bit unnerving...isn't it? I have a feeling that we aren't going to be such an attractive looking place for immigrants for too much longer. We'll be paying out so much of our income that our country will start to turn into one as bad as the others. We won't be anything special anymore, the tax and spend government will allow us to be dragged down, financially speaking, to the levels of the countries that people are leaving to come here.

In the meantime, until we croak, here sit the workers of America, baby boomers and all, paying into a system that has been nothing more than a candy store for politicians.

Ich bin ein sucker.

Oh well. Life's a bitch and then you die.

I'm almost packed and I'll be leaving for California in an hour and a half. I may be back in about 10 days. Don't go anywhere.



Blogger Ellen said...


Not every disability is visible, but as a nurse, you know that. I'd love to be making eighty thousand dollars a year again.


October 16, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Sii prudente e buon viaggio!

October 16, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Oh, I absolutely DO know that every disability is not visible. But I also know that there's got to be a better way. But, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

I'm in LA at my daughter's place and you wouldn't believe what they have here!

Candy kiss size and shape candy corn! My daughter knew that I would like them. It's pretty cool. I'm eating a lot of them. I'll buy a camera when I got out, or I'll use my daughter's camera phone...duh. Anyway, I'll be back later. I just got here and I'm exhausted again. This trip might only be for a week.

See ya!


October 16, 2007  

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