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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Early this morning...

...I received a phone call from a friend in California. Somehow, we got on the topic of racism. Keeping in mind that you have no idea what color my friend is, consider this...he used the word "nigger" numerous times. Are there any circumstances under which my friend should be forgiven for his use of one of the most offensive words known to Americans?

Well, the answer to that question seems to be...yes. If the user of the word is black...it is most assuredly allowed. But if my friend is of the white persuasion, not so much. Kevin Cato, president of Chi Alpha and the Christian Fellowship, states that, “White people used that word as a derogatory term for black people. Therefore they should not use it, it is offensive and it brings up bitter memories. Out of respect for us they should not use it.”

While I personally agree with part of Mr. Cato's opinion...I refrain from use of the word in public out of respect for my fellow Americans...we part ways early in the discussion. Cato rightfully refers back to his own personal and familial history when he says, "As a black American male, the word nigger conjures up within me hate, hostility, violence, oppression, and a very shameful and unfortunate part of American History."

I, too, could refer back to my own personal and familial history and say that my parents went out of their way to let us know that there is no color attached to the word itself...you could easily be a white nigger. The word was simply a nasty thing to say about ANY human being. We would probably have had to burn down our house to incur the wrath of my parents more so than if we had used that vulgar appellation. So, in my mind, the word only implies color when considered in context.

I agree with Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy when he says that, “There is nothing necessarily wrong with a white person saying nigger, just like there is nothing necessarily wrong with a black person saying it. What should matter is the context in which the word is spoken."

A large segment of the black population agrees with that assessment, as do I. But once again we part ways early. According to Kevin Cato, "...the word nigger has been “reclaimed” by black youths particularly in the hip-hop culture. These modern day teens claim that it is just a word and that people give words meaning rather than words giving people meaning." If it's true that we give the word power ourselves, why stop at the victims of the word? Why not let the accused use the word into anonymity?

If a large group of Americans respectfully requests that I refrain from using the word nigger, I will do so. But how do we discuss the word intelligently without using the stupid word? The truth is that white people do use the word...amongst themselves. Most of them do so for one of two reasons...either they have already dis-empowered the word or they’re using it with a sense of consternation. They use the word defiantly with a “How dare people be so damned hypocritical?” attitude.

When Phil Anderson interviewed Dr. Jamie Williams, CEO YMotion Media and former S.F. 49er, Dr. Williams stated, “Personally, I don’t like the word because of it’s historical roots, but I don’t feel that history when another black guy says it. If a white guy said it, then I would feel that history.”

Well, as I said, I can respect that. But what about MY history? Can I call my loser of a cousin a nigger? According to MY history, there is no color attached to that word. It’s simply a repugnant label to tag on another person…white or black. If I do call my cousin a nigger, I do so without any thought whatsoever to race, black people or my parents for that matter. It just means that I find that person to be a worthless, deceitful, thug of a human being…the scum of society. That’s what my own personal history tells me.

Dr. Williams is right on target when he explains why there are so many blacks in the sport of basketball, “I think it’s just like when Jews couldn’t get jobs when they first came in, they had to... They were boxers, they were baseball players, they were into sports. That’s kind of a way out. It’s kind of become our game. No more and no less.”

He's exactly right. Look back at the sport of boxing and you’ll see a history of racial influx into American society. The Irish were not well thought of when Jim Braddock won the title. Of course, the Irish came here willingly...but nevertheless, they were considered quite the useless group at one time. Most nationalities have gone through a period when they had to fight to assimilate themselves into America. They didn’t stay angry over the treatment that they received upon entry into the country. They simply blended in and became Americans.

If anger can eat away at one person’s psyche, imagine what it can do to the psyche of a large group of people. Where that anger can be assuaged easily, we should attempt to do so. When it comes to the word of which I spoke earlier…we as a nation of people with shared values should go out of our way to put an end to it’s use once and for all. It won’t be much of a sacrifice and the potential benefits far outweigh societies need to use it.

There’s a lot to be said for pride in one’s heritage. But it’s more important that we all take pride in our commonalities. Celebration of one’s ancestry is nice. But celebration of our shared culture, traditions and way of life is what brings us all together as one people. Nothing less will get the job done.



Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

I guess the three of us are having a moment this morning.

February 07, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...ya think?

February 07, 2008  
Blogger notageek said...

About the racist thinggy, I was quite surprised on how subconciously racist people actually are.
I've done a bit of travelling, I found it in LA through talking to my well educated friend, (He didn't use the term nigger though), in Orlando, Miami, Chicago, and what surprise me most was that I find people in NYC and San Fran are most open minded.

February 07, 2008  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

Well the word nigger to me ( aussie gal) simply means a rapper calling another person a nigger in a song, it certainly doenst mean anything bad down here, not that we use it cos its an american thang I guess. We do use wog however but that just means someone from greece or italy for the most part, if i say bloody wogs it means the culture they present is typical of their culture. Just like whinging poms I guess, if i want to insult someone id be far more biting than calling someone a simple word.

February 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lara, to be a racist is not just to insult a particular person, I think your term to insult is just name calling, detesting the person whoes behavior or attitude that you dislike. The term 'nigger' in US is far more derogatory than calling your indigenious australian 'Abos'.

Racism is discrimnation, base on the person's ethnic background, their skin color.

Its bigotry, putting a lable on a group of people regardless of their morality, intelegence, and beleives.

I always call myself the little earthling. :)

February 08, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

YIKES! Lara, that's another derogatory term for people of color in America. LOLOL...I walked around England calling people a wanker before my friends finally told me what it meant.


February 08, 2008  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

Check the tv add for it


February 09, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOL...OMG! That's too funny. You don't have any Porch Jockey mustard do you?

February 09, 2008  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

No but we have "Red Skins"


February 09, 2008  

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