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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

OK then...

"Okay Meg, you are gonna have to explain to me, cause, like I don't know how to do it....How do you act coy?"

That's a tough question to answer because...well it just is. Coy is easily defined but not so easily explained. Here is the definition that I prefer (from Dictionary.com):

"...artfully or affectedly shy or reserved; slyly hesitant; coquettish..."

Of course that definition begs the question, "What the heck is coquettish?" Well, back to Dictionary.com:

"...a woman who flirts lightheartedly with men to win their admiration and affection; flirt..."

Well then, that's what coy means. How does one act coyly? Well, it's usually something that women learn as children so it's pretty much just there.

Boys are raised to be strong, to refrain from crying and to be somewhat aggressive. But we women generally aren't. As does anybody else...we go with what works. If a 4 year old girl were to stomp her feet and demand that she get some Skittles...it probably wouldn't work. If she asked for some Skittles, it may or may not work. But by the time a little girl is 4...she has generally learned that smiling sweetly and tilting her head to the side works well...at least with Daddy.

By the time that little girl grows up and wants something more than Skittles...like say a diamond watch...she knows that she can't come out and ask for it...that would NEVER do. She could buy it herself...but what if she couldn't afford it? She can just get the object of her coyness to the mall...accidentally pass the jewelry store, stop abruptly and point at the pretty sparkles on the diamond watch. If the guy has the cash...he will buy her that watch...just to see her continue to be that happy.

I guess men think there's something sexy about a happy, sweet and "innocent" woman. To them, women ARE little girls. Some women forget that. And of course, not all men are even aware of their own vulnerabilities.

I imagine that there are some people reading this who are thinking that I'm the worst person in the world for saying these things...but I didn't make it up...I just noticed it myself.

When I was about 7 years old, my father was scolding me for something. I don't remember what the heck I had done but he didn't like it. After a moment or two of his scolding me...he said, "And don't even think that those big brown eyes are going to get you out of this one!"

I never knew that they HAD gotten me out of anything. I was just looking up. But after that, I made sure to look up and make my eyes just a bit wider.

My father liked to sit higher at his desk than the person in front of the desk. That was some sort of mental thing. It made people have to look up to him. Well, I was one of those people who had to look up to him. He was very happy when I (or anyone else) would look up at him. So...if that's what Daddy wanted...that's what Daddy got.

And guess what? Daddy wasn't the only man who liked to see little ladies looking up to them. As a matter of fact...most of them seem to like it. Once again...I didn't make this stuff up...it's all around us.

My ex father-in-law had a 14 month old little girl and when that little girl fell down, she would look around for her Daddy. If he was there, she would start wailing and he would pick her up and comfort her. If Mommy was there instead, she would shake it off, get herself up and go back to whatever she was doing. That taught me a LOT about rasing kids.

No one at my house responded to crying, but apparently, the coy crap worked. And, it's still working for me now. I'd rather be straightforward and open...but it just doesn't work as well. I'd prefer to say, "Hey, can I have that diamond watch?" But that just doesn't work.

Like it or not...sweetly smiling and acting like a silly little girl works well with most men. So, who am I to ruin their fun?



Blogger Vi said...

thanks for answering that. I need some practice, cause I'm always so upfront! lol

February 14, 2008  

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