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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Once again, I've forgotten what I wanted to say between the time I thought it up and the time my hands hit the keyboard. OK then, I'll just start this post and see where it takes me.

I was thinking about a couple of things that I could have written about, one political and the other personal...but neither story appeals to me now. I had to feed Jean before I came here so I made her a cheese omelet. I have to make her eggs every day because her last blood work said that her protein was low. I have to fix a different type of egg every morning. Of course, SHE can't remember what she had yesterday...but I can. I'd get bored of fried over easy every day. It's amazing, since she's a dialysis patient, a lot of her blood values are quite messed up. I can fix her the proper diet but there are actually some things on the list that she CAN'T have for one level that's too high that are ALSO on the other list of things she MUST have because something else is too low. (Did that make sense? It was an awkward sentence, sorry if you had to read it twice.)

Anyway, I was headed to the computer before I made the omelet but I decided to make corned beef hash with the leftover corned beef roast that I made the other night. My father loves that shit. It isn't too easy...not too difficult either but it does take some time. You have to dice the taters and onions and even the garlic. Oh, and of course you have to chop and shred the corned beef. So, that was a bit of a chore. While I was doing it, my father grabbed the computer so I had to fiddle around in the kitchen for a while waiting for him to come out of the room that I sleep in. That's what I get for being nice.

It's a bitch to have the family computer in your own bedroom unless you really, really, really like your family. Or unless you live alone of course. Well, neither of those is the case so it's a bitch. Even if I wanted to take a nap in here I couldn't fall asleep knowing that there would not be anyone sitting in the room. Even if it is your father...if you aren't in a coma, it's not right to have a person in the room with you while you're in bed. I certainly don't like it. If it isn't someone with whom I can cuddle naked, I don't want them there.

Hmm...naked cuddling...that would be nice. Just a thought.

It seems as though I need to shave my legs again. I hate that. It means that I have to take a bath instead of a shower. I know I COULD do it in the shower, especially if I used my father's walk-in shower. But there's too much danger involved in shower leg shaving. It didn't seem so bad when I was 18...but now it seems really scary. I did a LOT of stupid stuff when I was 18...shower leg shaving is just one of many perils that I faced without the slightest trepidation. Oh, the fearlessness of youth.

Damn, I have a hair thingie on my head...one of those upside down U's things that you use to hold your hair back...I forget what you call the stupid things. Anyway, it's stabbing me right behind my left ear. I think it has to go. That means a pony tail so I have to go find one of the pony thingies.

I also have to give Jean her breathing treatment so I'll be running now but I'll also be back as soon as I remember what it was I was going to say.



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