Pandora said...
...that she is newly "single". She and her boyfriend broke up yesterday. They were only together for a little under a year but that's still a hurdle to jump. Even if you haven't been together for years and years, your state of mind was that of a person in a relationship and most plans you've made were based on that state of mind.
As the song says, "You're a hard habit to break."
A lot of things have been hard habits for me to break since my marriage blew up in my face. I can't even find the strength to leave the house that we lived in. I don't think it's a problem but my father suggested that maybe I stay here hoping Rick will come back. I don't think so, I certainly don't do that consciously. I go for days without so much as thinking about him but when I hear my dad say stuff like that, I wonder.
I've changed most of the house. I totally redid 2 bedrooms, one bathroom and the living room. Those rooms don't look the same as they did when Rick was here at all. I certainly haven't created a chantry to Rick or anything, what do you think? Is it possible to subconsciously do things that you don't give a second thought to? Wouldn't I be somewhat aware if I were staying here for reasons other than this is where I live and I'm comfortable here?
Today I have accomplished cleaning the bathroom. I did the bathroom that only has a bathtub in it. I keep the kitty litter in there and every so often I have to bleach the entire room and wash the shower curtain in bleach. I wish that I could do that to every room in the house. That's the only room that I can scrub down so well. The other rooms have carpet so when I want really, really clean walls, I just paint them.
Before Rick left I had never painted a room by myself. Since he's been gone I've painted a bunch of my own rooms and a couple of my father's rooms. It's not as tough as it looks. Of course I'd rather have a painter dude do it, but whether he wants me to pay him in cash or move in with him, the price is too high.
LOLOLOL...Payton just went "on guard" because I told him too. But I could tell he wasn't really in to it when he just barked a couple of times and listened for a moment before collapsing on the floor. He didn't do it in a protective way, he's flat on his face in a "Hi, my name is Blue and I love this shack's front porch." sort of way. My hero.
Actually, he is a very good watch dog. He doesn't let anybody near the house. He must be able to tell the differences between car engines because he doesn't bark when someone I know pulls up. That's odd, unless it's a car with no muffler, they all sound pretty much the same to me. That's why I blow engines up. I don't know that something's wrong. It's like if I have checks I can't be broke and if the car moves it can't be broke. When the car breaks it'll stop. I'll worry about it when it happens.
Damn, I sure am a good digresser. I was talking about Payton and what a good watch dog he is. He will bark like a maniac if someone comes up to the door and he won't stop until I let the person in. If I don't let them in, Payton doesn't stop barking. I like that.
And that's all I have to say about that.
LOLOL, now Stewie is making me laugh. He's climbed up on my desk and he's not supposed to do that. He knows better. Once when I was at work, I was down in the cafeteria eating and I watched as 2 guys walked in and toted off the cafeteria microwaves. I didn't think anything of it until I heard that they had been stolen. The best way to commit some crimes is blatantly, right out in public. Well, Stewie must think that way because of all the room on my desk, he chose a spot right in front of's his butt sticking out on my printer:

Here he is, hiding right in front of the camera:

Talk about respect...I get none. Oh well.
...that she is newly "single". She and her boyfriend broke up yesterday. They were only together for a little under a year but that's still a hurdle to jump. Even if you haven't been together for years and years, your state of mind was that of a person in a relationship and most plans you've made were based on that state of mind.
As the song says, "You're a hard habit to break."
A lot of things have been hard habits for me to break since my marriage blew up in my face. I can't even find the strength to leave the house that we lived in. I don't think it's a problem but my father suggested that maybe I stay here hoping Rick will come back. I don't think so, I certainly don't do that consciously. I go for days without so much as thinking about him but when I hear my dad say stuff like that, I wonder.
I've changed most of the house. I totally redid 2 bedrooms, one bathroom and the living room. Those rooms don't look the same as they did when Rick was here at all. I certainly haven't created a chantry to Rick or anything, what do you think? Is it possible to subconsciously do things that you don't give a second thought to? Wouldn't I be somewhat aware if I were staying here for reasons other than this is where I live and I'm comfortable here?
Today I have accomplished cleaning the bathroom. I did the bathroom that only has a bathtub in it. I keep the kitty litter in there and every so often I have to bleach the entire room and wash the shower curtain in bleach. I wish that I could do that to every room in the house. That's the only room that I can scrub down so well. The other rooms have carpet so when I want really, really clean walls, I just paint them.
Before Rick left I had never painted a room by myself. Since he's been gone I've painted a bunch of my own rooms and a couple of my father's rooms. It's not as tough as it looks. Of course I'd rather have a painter dude do it, but whether he wants me to pay him in cash or move in with him, the price is too high.
LOLOLOL...Payton just went "on guard" because I told him too. But I could tell he wasn't really in to it when he just barked a couple of times and listened for a moment before collapsing on the floor. He didn't do it in a protective way, he's flat on his face in a "Hi, my name is Blue and I love this shack's front porch." sort of way. My hero.
Actually, he is a very good watch dog. He doesn't let anybody near the house. He must be able to tell the differences between car engines because he doesn't bark when someone I know pulls up. That's odd, unless it's a car with no muffler, they all sound pretty much the same to me. That's why I blow engines up. I don't know that something's wrong. It's like if I have checks I can't be broke and if the car moves it can't be broke. When the car breaks it'll stop. I'll worry about it when it happens.
Damn, I sure am a good digresser. I was talking about Payton and what a good watch dog he is. He will bark like a maniac if someone comes up to the door and he won't stop until I let the person in. If I don't let them in, Payton doesn't stop barking. I like that.
And that's all I have to say about that.
LOLOL, now Stewie is making me laugh. He's climbed up on my desk and he's not supposed to do that. He knows better. Once when I was at work, I was down in the cafeteria eating and I watched as 2 guys walked in and toted off the cafeteria microwaves. I didn't think anything of it until I heard that they had been stolen. The best way to commit some crimes is blatantly, right out in public. Well, Stewie must think that way because of all the room on my desk, he chose a spot right in front of's his butt sticking out on my printer:

Here he is, hiding right in front of the camera:
He's thinking, If I get away with this, I'm lying down and getting comfortable."
So he does.

Talk about respect...I get none. Oh well.
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