...no one would care if she was knocked up more times than Kelly Ripa, Britney Spears and my redneck cousin combined.
I know something that none of you know. And it's a huge, huge secret. It's a secret about Angelina Jolie. You guys are the first to read about it because I am the very first person in the world to report it (I can only speak for MY world). I have a wicked cool scoop about Ms. Jolie and if I'm not mistaken, this will FREAK OUT the minds of MILLIONS!!!
It seems as thought the curvaceous star has been protecting a deep, dark secret. Living with the shame of the odious truth has been quite grueling and has taken it's toll on the middle aged starlet, according to sources close to Jolie.
"She hid it from Brad for as long as she could but while she was in labor with her last child, she temporarily let her guard down and Brad saw what she had worked so desperately to hide from him." Interviewed on the condition of strict anonymity, a friend of the couples' told us that, "Brad has gotten over the initial shock of Angelina's deception and is learning to deal with her 'condition'...he's such a swell guy."
Calls to the couple's homes in 42 countries all went unanswered. The couples' publicist released this short but terse press release, "Angelina is the one who has had to live with this secret, she should be the one to discuss it now. This office will therefore have no further comment." Ms. Jolie's doctor refused to return phone calls as well.
The couple have tried desperately to keep any evidence of Ms. Jolie's condition secret but recently a web site published pictures that make it difficult for the Jolie-Pitts to continue in their efforts.
So, here is the picture that confirms the fact that Angelina is, in fact, a LONG SECOND TOE FREAK!!!!

My sister has the same dreadful condition. She looked up something that said this was a sign of intelligence. I found this and it is kinda scary. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061004095639AAut75S Ted Bundy had the same "condition". I think these people have way too much time! By the way I am not the same Wendy that posts often. I think you thought I was her on another comment I made and didn't want you to think I was her. I am Wendy in Houston. I have been a long time reader, very little commenter, but I do enjoy your post.
You know, when I made that comment, I was wondering which one it was...but I was SO sure I had the right one! Thanks for the FROM HOUSTON part!
And thank God, I may be a freak, but I'm smarter than everyone else and I'm the boss of my house!
I am a long second toe freak and I have buddha ear lobes....top that!
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