What Would Martin Think?

Are you a student of BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY? Why have you been studying it for decades? Do you plan on continuing to worship along side of those who would destroy the "God of the white religion"? Did you really think that you would get away with it? Do you ABSOLUTELY denounce ANY theology that preaches hatred toward people of ANY color?
OBAMA...What would Martin Luther King Jr. think?
Yes, blacks were lynched. White people who fought against the injustices towards blacks were lynched as well. Yes, Africans were terrorized by the British. So were the Irish. Yes, blacks were enslaved. So were the Jews. Yes, hideous crimes of racial hatred were committed against black people. Tell it to the Bosnians. Like it or not, AIDS is an equal opportunity killer.
This planet is filled to the brim with victims. They are victims of those who proclaimed themselves more deserving of God's grace than those they oppressed. Sort of like the followers of Black Liberation Theology.
This planet is filled to the brim with victims. They are victims of those who proclaimed themselves more deserving of God's grace than those they oppressed. Sort of like the followers of Black Liberation Theology.
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