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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good morning!

I have to wake up and get ready to fly away. My flight leaves at around 11 so I have 2 choices, either I can go before rush hour or I can go after rush hour. I think I'll go before. I should be spending most of the day on an airplane. Look up, maybe you'll see me!

The show is taping tomorrow so as soon as I get to my hotel room, I'll probably just go to bed and sleep until 4 AM because they'll be sending a car to pick me up at 7:30 AM. I'll need at least 2 or 3 hours so primp for a television show. I wonder if I should put one of those hideously tight ponytails in my hair? You know, I think female impersonators do that to give themselves mini-face lifts. I'd be afraid that I would stretch my face out so even to look good today, I wouldn't do something that would ruin my face for tomorrow. That's why I never tan.

Damn, I have so much stuff to get ready and I'm still sitting here staring at the PC. Oh damn again, I never did get a manicure. I may just give myself one tonight. I've always had really long fingernails so when I was a teenager, I would do my nails a different color every night to match the outfit that I was going to wear the next day. I wonder how I ever had so much time when I was a kid? I never have time to do my nails and even if I did, ever since my daughter took me to get a manicure it seems as though I don't want to do it myself anymore. I know it takes days to do right so when I think about it, I just think about paying someone else to do it. What a lazy bitch I am. Shame on me.

It seems as though when I was a teenager, I remember having a lot of time to primp. Damn, I spent most of the 70's putting on make-up and doing my nails. I remember waking up early to take a quick shower and then I would curl my hair, put on make-up and get dressed so that I could leave for school by 7 with that "natural look" that took a lot of time to accomplish. I also spent the night before doing my nails. So, I would stay up late primping and then I would get out of bed early to primp some more.

This is where I usually say that we should toss out all of our make-up but no one ever takes me up on that. I can't unilaterally stop using my make-up, it has to be part of a larger statement. If I just stopped wearing make-up myself, I would just look like a slob who didn't feel like putting on make-up. Damn, damn, damn. This is where that Gal Friday thing would come in handy.

I need a girl to take care of stupid shit for me. I know I was talking about having a man but I changed my mind. No guy could help me with my clothes and right now I need help packing so a guy wouldn't do me any good. Although, I can imagine me running around half naked with a gay dude running after me trying to change scarfs. I only have a few so I never think about putting one of them on. I get them as part of one outfit but then I never wear the outfit again so I never see the scarf again. I have an entire orange outfit that I bought to wear together one time. I was quite the color coordinated little lady that day, from orange shoes to an orange scarf, I had it all together. Then, I never have another "orange day" so I never think to put it all back together again.

I should start buying dresses occasionally. I hate wearing them, but I might not hate them if I owned a few of them. I've gotten so comfortable in jeans that I find an excuse to wear them all the time. Today I'm wearing them because it's so much easier to sit in a plane all day if you're wearing jeans. I can't wear them tomorrow although I can take a pair with me to change into at the studio.

You know, rather than sitting here worrying what I have to pack, I could just pack and then come back here to worry what I might have forgotten. Does that make any sense to you? That's what I should do because I'm totally pre-occupied about everything. Damn, I wish I were somewhat organized.



Blogger Determined said...

Have a nice trip, and don't forget to tell us when the program airs!

*sigh*... how I wish I was the one who was going to California


July 22, 2008  
Blogger perdido said...

I never pack until the night before I leave and I'm still usually adding stuff in the morning and I always forget a few things and everytime I think next time I'm going to start packing early but never do.

July 23, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Exactly. Isn't that how everyone does it?


July 25, 2008  

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