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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Good morning!

I told you in the last post that I had 2 things to write about but I had to write about my friend first. Now I'm going to see if I can remember what the heck I originally wanted to say.

I know one thing was that I was going to say that, despite what any cyber stalkers who might be out there have said, there is not a soul who tells me what to write. I've never even listened to so much as a suggestion. I literally write about whatever I want to write about and that's that. I choose the topics myself and I certainly only give you my own personal thoughts on any given subject.

For example, when I talk about trashy, husband stealing whores, I do it for myself. I'm not doing favors for betrayed wives...I'm simply enjoying myself in one of the many ways in which I have fun.

I've had this blog long enough and written often enough that, as you may have already figured out, I enjoy it. I couldn't come here and be so prolific if this wasn't a LOT of fun for me. And, remember how this thing started out...as a tribute to my cheating bastard of an ex husband. After I verbally crushed his ass, I was left with nothing else to do. So, I just started talking about whatever was on my mind.

You'll notice that I often quote other blogs. That's because I read other blogs. When I do, if I read something that, for whatever reason, I want to repeat or discuss, I do so, giving proper credit.

So, in THAT way, you might say that I'm somehow "influenced", but when I begin typing, I say whatever I want to say. Not a soul in the world can stop me because I have never knowingly lied nor have I behaved in an illegal manner. I've never contacted any one's job, I've never written threatening emails and I've never outed anyone who didn't do something incredibly stupid, illegal or hideously immoral.

Nobody has to like what I do, if you don't, leave. It's that simple. I've been doing freelance work for years and I'm published often in Op-Ed pages. That's where opinion belongs in a newspaper. I've had people disagree with me often. They usually either call me, write me a letter or send me an e-mail...ONCE. Then, they get back to their lives. In 20 years, only one person out of hundreds of thousands of people who have read my work has ever behaved like a nut...consistently.

Most people don't bother with me because they don't want to be cole slaw. Every so often, someone thinks that if they harass the people on my link list, they'll get me to change my blog. It won't happen. I would NEVER give in to blackmail.

Once you do that, you've guaranteed that it will happen again. There's no way on God's green earth that I would ever expose such a weakness.

When people blame others for what I write, they do so because the other people appear vulnerable to some extent and the angry folk are cowards who don't know where to hit me because I don't show my vulnerabilities. I don't even know if I have any. As bullies, it's much easier for fools intimidated by me to attack those whom they perceive as weak. That's not a good idea.

I've had people suggest that I should take down a post here or there, but I only do that if there's a benefit to myself. For example, before I went to the judge show, I wrote a post about my sister. I thought about it and didn't want anyone from the show to read what I had written. So, I took it down. That cyber stalker dude accused me of all kinds of stupid stuff after I took that post down. But the reason wasn't anything that he alluded to, I simply couldn't afford for the producers of the show to see that post. That's all.

If a blog friend did ask me to take something down, they would be admitting control and if I did listen to them, I would be giving away my control. I won't do that.

I am 100% responsible for everything that's on this blog. Period.

Now let me see if I can remember the other thing...I'll be back in a bit.


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