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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Hi there ya'll!!!

I had company ALL night long so I'm in an extra special good mood today. I had someone to cuddle with all night and I haven't had that in God knows how long. It could be over a year...no, cheek dude was around the holidays. I guess that he is last guy that I slept with in any sense of the world unless you count my FB...which I do not.

He's my little secret and I won't tell anyone else about him. I could see us meeting once a year in some far away place for the rest of our lives. I like him...I really, really like him. I never did like Sally Field, but this dude, I do like. choosing an FB, I did pick a good one. He told me that he "loved his job" and his enthusiasm shows.

I did the breakfast in bed thing, wasn't that sweet of me? I pretty much wake up every 2 hours during the night and I did it last night just like I usually do. Waking up over and over again next to a big warm blob is so much fun. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed that. It used to be my favorite part of the day...what I worked all day long for. Anyway, that was nice and I'm glad he stayed overnight. And for the first time, I'm glad that I wake up every two hours during the night. Damn, Stewie is coming back and I don't want anymore pictures. Oh, no he isn't, He's going on the kitchen counter. I have to put a stop to this crap. BRB.

Stewie has been crawling all over my desk trying to get into my lap. I can't type with him there so that's not an option. He was just hanging out in front of the monitor:

He has no idea that he's messing with my view...he just wants to see it himself:

Aw! Isn't that cute?

I could almost deal with it if he would just stay there:

I took a bunch more pictures of him on the kitchen window sill over the sink but I'll bore you with them later. It's just that he's such a pretty cat. I love his Courtney Love eyes, you know, that hungover look that she gets when her mascara goes everywhere. It looks good on Stewie, but on a human female, not so much.

My sister's gone and my father seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet. He drove to meet all 3 of my brothers in New York to see Yankee Stadium before they tear it down. My sister said it Shea Stadium, but I'm sure that my father said Yankee Stadium. My brothers all went to New York for a long weekend but my father seems to be making a trip out of it.

He's wanted to go on a drive around the country for years and since Jean died, I guess he figures that he has the time to do it now. I'm glad to see him do that but I also worry about him. He IS 74 after all.

I just woke up and realized that I never finished this post. Rather than try to do that now, I'm just going to start Monday's. If this is the first post up here, that means that I'm typing Monday's post now. As soon as I finish it, I'll put it up there.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stu stooze!
I can pick him up and cradle him like a baby:
Then I'll tickle his stomach while I kiss his forehead: tickle tickle, kiss kiss, tickle tickle, kiss kiss... until he "meows" a loud, "WAAA-OH", jumps out, runs and hides underneath the table!

September 02, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Sounds like you know him. That's exactly what he would do!

September 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're hot....

Fox in California

September 05, 2008  

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