Have you seen this dog???

Over the past few days, I've been noticing that dog's face everywhere in our neighborhood. When I saw another picture earlier today, I remember thinking to myself, "Wow! Someone is really, really trying hard to find that dog!"
Then, this evening while I was walking Payton, I ran into the lady who was putting up the posters. As Payton and I passed her, I said, "You must be frantic!" Naturally, she was.
She started telling me the story about how the dog got lost and I mentioned that I had been seeing her posters all around the neighborhood. Then, a black SUV pulled up. It was her family. The husband and all 3 of her kids were putting up posters too.
Naturally, the kids are upset. The family has had that dog since before some of those kids were born! Those kids don't know a life without Rosie. And the little dog is probably wondering where his family has gone.
The oldest boy in the family has pretty much grown up with Rosie and he's very close to her. There's just something so sad about a boy and his dog being separated, isn't there? In 1974, we lost a dog named Major. He was a beautiful German Shepherd and we adored that dog. To this day, I still get sad when I think of Major and the emptiness in our home after he was gone. I'd hate to think of the young man whose dog is missing remembering his lost dog for 30 years
People who don't have pets may not quite understand how much a pet can truly be a part of the family. The love that a pet has for it's family is intense, loyal and never ending. Rosie may very well be taken care of, but that won't help her heart from breaking as she wonders when she can go home.
The family has a very good reason to think that Rosie is being well cared for. The reason that they can be so sure that Rosie is OK can be found on the poster that the family is putting up all over town:
I am desperately looking for our little female chihuahua, Rosie. She disappeared Sunday afternoon before the storm...that's 8/24/08. Someone saw her being picked up by a lady on Cherokee Street (Marietta) and placed in a car. What a blessing that she wasn't hit by a car, but was rescued instead!! The car was heading north on Cherokee, but we have no idea where she went after that. We think the car was a smaller blue car, but not positive (this info came from a distant neighbor who saw it happen). Please help me get the word out. I don't know if this person is local or not, so i need this email to go primarily to the outskirts of this downtown Marietta area, but I guess she could be in Kennesaw, Acworth, Canton, Woodstock, etc. If you wouldn't mind, please forward this on to ANYONE in the surrounding area. We miss our girl, and pray that she is in the arms of someone who cares enough for her to come looking for her home! She is a precious baby. Thank you for your help!
3-4 pounds
Tan in color with white markings on forehead, chest, and belly (she also has some noticeably black hairs that run through the tan color on her back and tail, as you can see in the photo)
NO tag or chip
I sincerely hope that the woman who picked up the dog plans on trying to send her home. There's been no news yet from any of the places that you would ordinarily call to look for a lost dog.
Today I went to pick McFly up from the vet (I'll tell you about THAT crazy experience in the morning) and as I was standing in line waiting for my turn, a woman came in with her kids. I didn't hear their entire conversation but I caught the part where the little girl asked her mother, "Why are we doing this for a dog that isn't ours? What will we get for this?"
Apparently they found a dog and were taking it to the vet for one reason or another. I didn't hear that part of the conversation. But I did hear the mother's wise, kind and decent answer to her daughter's question.
She told her daughter, "We get to return a pet to it's family, and when we do, he and his family will be so happy and the happiness will rub off on us. It's a wonderful feeling to do something good for someone else. When we see the dog and his family reunited, we'll have a gift that you can't buy with money."
Of course, the mother was right. And I hope that the lady who picked up Rosie gets the chance to experience that same wonderful feeling!
If you would like to help in the search for Rosie, send a link to this post to everyone in your address book, even if they don't live in Marietta, Georgia or the United States of America. Maybe they know someone around here! I'm counting on those "Six Degrees of Separation" to help find this dog.
Or, if you live in Georgia, especially within 75 miles of Atlanta, you can post this post on your blog or at least post a link to it. I WANT TO FIND ROSIE!!! But I do need your help...Rosie needs your help.
Here's the link:
They say that you can accomplish a LOT with the Internet...let's see if we can use it to return an adorable little dog to it's home and family. Wouldn't that be cool?
So, let the search begin...where is Rosie?
Ask them to also post Rosie on FidoFinder.com, and DogDetective.com. These sites are wonderful, and one (if not both) will also put out the word to shelters and vets.
So sad to hear about this. One of my worst nightmares (and I’ve actually had nightmares on this subject) is losing one of my dogs and never knowing what happened. For so many of us, our dogs are our children.
It’s also more sketchy with the little dog breeds, because people are more apt to consider keeping them, compared to larger dogs.
I’ll keep Rosie and her family in my prayers.
Thank you so much!
I had never heard of those sites but now everyone who reads this will know about it! You'll never know how many pets you just helped find with that comment!
There's also petfinders.com (used during hurricane Katrina). There was a friendly dog (pit bull) that was stolen out of someone's car in a VERY public place. The owners ended putting up fliers EVERYWHERE, they got it back after paying the hefty $1000 reward. I'm scared to death of leaving my rottie puppy alone in the car now because he is so friendly. My german shepherd, you'd have to tranquilize her to get her to go w/you. It's sad that you have to train your dogs not to be SO friendly...
Thanks to you as well!
I'm forwarding the comments to Meghan, the lady who's dog it is. She really, really appreciates all of the help you guys have given as well as the people from my other blog.
Thanks again!
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