Good Friday to you all!
It's a lovely day here in Gogia and that means that I have no further excuses to ignore the lawn work. I must mow it today. We've had a bit of rain this week from that tropical storm. This area usually does get leftovers from hurricanes or storms that hit anywhere in the Eastern half of the Gulf.
The water went away quickly because we've been having years of drought. The news guy said "There's no run off at all because the ground was so parched it just absorbed all of the water. I think it'll take an actual flood of Biblical proportions to put the lakes around here back where they should be. It's been years since I've seen Lake Alatoona look like it should. Rick was still here when you started being able to see the lake bed. Now, where you pass over the lake on Interstate 75, it looks more like a few large puddles scattered about.
The water went away quickly because we've been having years of drought. The news guy said "There's no run off at all because the ground was so parched it just absorbed all of the water. I think it'll take an actual flood of Biblical proportions to put the lakes around here back where they should be. It's been years since I've seen Lake Alatoona look like it should. Rick was still here when you started being able to see the lake bed. Now, where you pass over the lake on Interstate 75, it looks more like a few large puddles scattered about.
My sister is leaving to go back to Florida tomorrow because she and her boyfriend made up. I'll be back to being alone with no adult females to speak to except my 22 year old roommate who was supposed to move out the first but she said she's broke and she needs to stay longer. That's what this house needs, another broke woman in it. I'm beginning to know how the Chinese feel when they get stuck with a girl. Who's gonna do the yard work if you have a girl?
I will probably stay hidden inside my house this weekend because I was bitten by a spider. On the face. And I think it was a brown recluse...those are some nasty bites. I had one on my ass once. It was actually where my leg turns into my ass. I couldn't sit normally for weeks after that bite. I had to go to the doctor over it.
When he walked into the exam room, he said, "Hi, sit up on the table." I was leaning over the table reading a magazine and I told him, "No, this is the way you'll want me."
So, I pulled my pants down and showed him the tennis ball size swelling on my backside. I ended up on anti-biotics. Those brown recluse bites are pretty nasty and if one of them decides to grow on my face, I need to be at home when it happens.
The bite is actually on my right jawline, a little over halfway to my chin. It's sort of starting to look like a second chin. If there's much more swelling you won't be able to see my real chin at all. You know, this is just perfect. What a great way to end this hideous summer? A broken foot, messed up calcium levels and now a big ass spider bite on my face.
This is where I would say, "What else could go wrong?" but long ago I stopped asking that rhetorical question because I would get actual answers.
Something else will go wrong, that's a given. I'm always just so curious as to what part of my world will blow up next.
Something else will go wrong, that's a given. I'm always just so curious as to what part of my world will blow up next.
Do any of you have this feeling that, no matter how bad things get...that something good is going to happen? Something really, really good? I have that feeling. I've had it for years so I'm not sure if it's valid or not but I'm waiting!
Nothing too good is going to happen today...I have to give Payton a bath. That pretty much means that I get a bath too. I used to do my best to stay dry but after the last time when I fell in, I'm not going to worry about getting myself wet. The entire bathroom gets wet, why not me?
I'll be back shortly, I have to get dressed in case my sister calls me to come and get her. She's spending her last night in Gogia here at my house. At least tonight I'll have someone to talk to!
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