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Friday, December 19, 2008

When I was considering moving...

...to Atlanta, I asked a fellow New Yorker who had just moved to Atlanta how she liked it. She said that it was a pretty good city, except for the fact that women seem to get murdered rather often down here. She was right, I got here in the middle of the Fred Tokarz uproar. Now he's serving time for killing his wife, or having someone else do it. One way or another, the poor wife is dead and her children have no mother. (But...they do have the memories of being witness to her murder.)

The point is ever since then there HAVE been one woman after another reported missing. Most are eventually found and, as often as not, the husbands are "subjects of interest" yet they live their life as though all is right with the world. I lived here for a while before I traveled out of state and I figured something out. It's not just Atlanta; women are being murdered all over the place. It's a scary thought until you think about the fact that so many of them are volunteers. I try to avoid murderers whenever possible and I would certainly run at the first hint of a woman killer.

But, I'm a bit more experienced and probably a tad more jaded than your average 23 year old so call me kookie, but I wouldn't fall for ANYTHING a murderer would say. It appears as though Stacy Peterson's husband, Drew, has gotten himself engaged. Somehow, that arrogant ex-cop found someone young and stupid enough to say, "OMG! Sure I'll marry you!"

I firmly believe that even when I WAS 23, I would have been bright enough to stay far away from a guy accused of killing a woman...or in this case, a couple of them.

I have to think that eventually Stacy's remains will be found. But it appears as though, until that happens, Drew is going to stick with his stupid, nonsensical story that an otherwise normal young mother suddenly vanished and left her kids behind with her husband. By that time she had to have known how much dangerous potential this dude had rolling around his head. But still, her kids are with him and she is...where? On an island in the South Pacific? It must drive the cops nuts to listen to the constant crapola that Peterson spews.

Although Peterson denies it, all clues point to a young girl named Christina Raines. Her father, Ernie Raines, as one might imagine, is none too pleased about this. He has a message for the man who, if history repeats itself, will one day be Christina's widower..."I'd kill for my kids, you know that". And to his daughter he says, "if you don't answer your cell phone, don't worry about it. I'll drive my Cadillac right through his house." I can only hope that he's using those words figuratively instead of literally. Driving a machete through his chest would be better.

Peterson better hope that he never goes to trial. He's a walking case FOR jury nullification. No jury would let him go and no judge would want to be compared to Lance Ito for the rest of his or her life. So, the old guy who digs chicks who are too young and naive to see through him has found another one. I'm sure that stupid has to fit in there somewhere as well.

If I were the chick in question, rather than trying to commit suicide by crazy ex-cop, I would at least take some time. And, I would question his ability to keep his vows after he says things like, "I was married to Kathleen when I was engaged to Stacy." I can hear him now, "It's no big deal...I don't FEEL married anymore...I feel like having a pliable young piece of ass whom I can manipulate."

Oh, Christina, Christina, Christina. Think this one through really, really hard. Did you ever say anything along these lines, "I can't believe ANY woman would go on a date with OJ Simpson?" I wonder if Christina would date OJ Simpson? (Of course she can't do that now, as will ALWAYS happen, the big house eventually won.) It's odd how people give great advice to friends, but then they turn around and do something totally insane. I bet Christina would have been appalled if her best friend or sister had become engaged to the man who I voted 'Most Likely to be Hit by a Bat if I Were to Run Into Him'.

Another point to consider, as OJ so aptly showed us all, Karma is alive and well. I wouldn't want to be married to a major Karma target. Heck, I wouldn't even want to be in the same state as that one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg, Drew Peterson is no doubt being covered by his cop friends and former colleagues. They KNOW he did it, but he probably has so much DIRT on the bunch that they are keeping it tight!

It is time that an impartial investigative team like the FBI stepped in. If Stacy was from a wealthy family, bet they all wouldn't be turning a blind eye. Money talks!

It is not just Stacy's death he has on his conscience, (of course, we all know he has no conscience) her mother is also missing. Ever since her mom voiced her disapproval of Drew Peterson, she disappeared. Why is no-one looking for Stacy's mother???

I have no doubt that Drew Peterson will be caught, and I hope it is soon before he kills someone else. He will make a mistake, these types always do. Who knows? Maybe Christina is professional 'bait'! No-one could be THAT STUPID!!!

We haven't heard the end of this, OR the Justice System STINKS!

December 20, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Having been raised in the Chicago suburbs, I have a tendency to think that you are right. They had much less on Casey Anthony when they busted her ass. But, yes, he'll get his...they always do.


December 20, 2008  

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