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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

In this odd place...

...that they call LaLa Land, things are rather bizarre at times. This morning as I walked my dog past a Christmas tree lot amidst the palm trees, I noticed the hand printed sign on the gate. It said that the lot would be closed due to "inclement weather" and that they would be back in business, selling Christmas trees, when "it's sunny!"

I kid you not...go to the corner of Melrose and North Sycamore in West Hollywood and look for Melrose Christmas Trees and try to get in before the sun comes out.The inclement weather to which the the sign referred was a hideously frigid low of about 40 and an hour and a half of pretty steady rain that required a 3 setting on car wiper blades. As I drove down Sunset in Beverly Hills in the rain in the middle of the day, most of the fancy shops were closed and the sidewalks were empty. Sidewalks are RARELY empty in Los Angeles.

But, graffiti abounds. I passed this painting earlier today:

It's an odd, odd painting:

Christmas trees being sold amidst the palm trees:

The interesting sign that made me go get a camera:

I didn't need a Christmas tree last night but I did need a hamburger from Pink's so I walked over there in spite of the blustery winter's night in LA. I realized that they had to close all of the businesses, not because of the weather, but rather because of the ignorance regarding long john's. We people who live in the real world are aware of the concept of layering. For those native to SoCal, this is what I wore last night:
One Bears Sweatshirt
One Jerry Springer t-shirt
One pair of matching long john's, top and bottom
One pair of sweat pants over the jong john's which were tucked into my woolen knee hi socks
One bra and matching panties.
Nike running shoes (Of course, I walked.)
That pretty much kept me comfortable, even in the long line at Pink's Hot Dog Stand on LaBrea. It wasn't raining then but if it had been, I would have grabbed what we in the rest of the world call an "umbrella". Layering and umbrellas would have kept Beverly Hills and Melrose Christmas Trees open for business yesterday. Oh well, maybe they'll learn someday.
I'd like to take a walk over to Target to see what they've done to the gloves and scarfs...not to mention the coats. Apparently, this was quite the weather incident here in Los Angeles. I haven't noticed bread flying off the shelves yet but only because people around here can barely deal with the current conditions, they could never fathom this lasting for more than a day.
They do predict another low of 40 for today...but the Gods have spared them another double whammy...the sun is back out with no rain in sight and the disaster seems to be abating...for now.


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