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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

First let me say thank you...

...to the anonymous person who sent me the laptop, yes, it will make it incredibly easy, I can type in a reclining position and that’s exactly what I need. (And, to answer your question, yes. I wouldn’t have ever known otherwise.)

OK. I was doing some soul searching earlier today and I realized that I had a problem that must be addressed. I am not sure how to treat my problem although I am sure that I can go to a doctor and have it officially diagnosed and then see what my options are. Maybe they have treatment centers and maybe I’ll have to go for outpatient treatment but whatever it is, I understand that the toughest part of the entire journey to wellness is admitting to yourself that you have a problem, and I have just done that. As they say, today is the first day of the rest of your life...and I am vowing here and now to adopt a Carpe Diem! attitude and beat this illness! I feel so much better already just admitting it.

Yes, finally, after years of suffering in silence, I admit it. I am suffering from both misogyny AND misogamy. There, I’ve said it. Now, where is the organization that will support me in my sincere attempt to terminate this appalling dual affliction...and without delay?

Being a wedded woman myself, I endure excruciatingly uncomfortable feelings of self-reproach and disgrace just HAVING these two frailties in the first place. Questioning why I must also endure the burden and stigma that society assigns to these maladies is pointless because there are no answers nor is there any justice in life. We pick up the hand we’re dealt and we play it out the best way we can. But still, I find it exceedingly heartrending and agonizing that society still considers it “fair game” to mock and taunt misogynists. And, when one adds the further encumbrance of misogamy into the mix, well, you can just envision what manner of tribulation these political “orphans” must undergo.

Luckily, there are some women that I do find enjoyable and even some marraiges that I envy. The tertiary and most intense phase of the illness is identified by a total inability to find any woman on the planet enjoyable. Fortunately, the tertiary phase is, with a few notables exceptions, confined to men.

Although there are a few women that I do find to be pleasant human beings, usually I have the hideous fits of disdain that happen as quickly and as unexpectedly as a heart attack. I will see a woman do something stupid like wear a thong and BANG! I suffer the most wretched and distressing rage that one could imagine. It is simply one of the most incredibly debilitating illnesses that one could contract.

Being one to enjoy helping others, I am going to begin a support group for other Miso-Miso victims and I would like to appear on Oprah to reach as many people as humanly possible. I am sure that there are many others out there, waiting for the day when all Miso-Miso victims can be free of thoughts like, “Hey, you nasty, blonde headed piece of scum from the bottom of a Chinese restaurant’s dumpster...I wish you and your sagging sacs of silicone would just go visit some of your maggot neighbors and see if they will teach you how to behave like a decent dumpster dweller.” And of course, which one of us hasn’t seen a women driving slowly in the fast lane and thought, "What the heck happened to you? Did your mother drink Draino during the first trimester of the last nine month period that this planet enjoyed life without you on it?"

Yes, I feel better now that I have finally initiated the search for help for this affliction and I appreciate the support of all of you out there who know how difficult it is to admit to any one of a million diseases that can be cured by compassion, empathy and understanding. It is only through the kindness offered by caring and benevolent people such as yourselves that makes it possible for wounded people like myself to come forward and ask for the help that is required to eradicate this dreaded disease from the face of the Earth once and for all. Thank you for your grace and maturity in dealing with this difficult topic. I foresee a day, and not too far away, when we can all live, hand in hand, in peace. It will be our respect for each other and our constant hope for a better world that guarantees that we will see a cure in my lifetime.


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