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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Guess what?

Last night I was in my kitchen and I looked over at my purse. There are a bunch of pockets on the side of this purse and they all open in a different way. It's sort of like a toddler's busy box. One has a zipper, one has velcro, another has a snap. Anyway, I looked at the zipper pocket and thought that I saw the top of a bill in there. I reached in and pulled out a hundred dollar bill! Then, I decided to look INSIDE the purse and I found two twenties folded up in the inside pocket. So, I found 140 bucks that I didn't know I had. I guess that back in the day when I had a job, I was a tad careless and forgot about some cash that I had.

It's not a purse that I use everyday. Actually, I never use it...I just keep my medicine in it. I haven't used it in ions as an everyday purse so I have no idea how long that money's been in there. After I found that cash, I decided to go look in all of my regular hiding places to see if I had forgotten about anything else. So far, I haven't found another dime although I did find a bottle of prescription pain pills that I had filled and never used. That's nice to have around.

I hide things from myself all the time without even trying to. I just stick stuff in what seems like a good place and that's the last that I see of it. Years and years ago, I hid some marijuana somewhere in this house and I never did find that. I looked for it for a good while but I finally figured out that Rick must have taken it over to his girlfriend's house and smoked it with her.

I only smoked that stuff when the guy that I was with smoked it and Rick certainly did. A lot. Since he's been gone I haven't done it except for the time that I got drug tested and one other time when I was in DC. I didn't get caught in DC and that's odd because I was sitting right in the middle of a big field in between the White House and The Washington Monument. If the president had looked out of his window he would have seen me. Other than the president, there was no one around and even if anyone did see me from a distance, they would have thought that I was smoking a cigarette.

I smoked that stuff in the 70's and I admitted it in court. I wouldn't believe anybody my age who said that they never smoked it. But, it made me eat too much and as a vain teenaged girl I couldn't have that. Then I started having kids and I wouldn't have done it pregnant or with children so it was a very long time before I even encountered it again.

Now that I think of it, it was Rick who re-introduced me to the stuff. Damn it, I should have known that he would be trouble. Trouble for me...not for him. He was arrested twice in one summer for domestic violence and he got to leave the state almost immediately after his trial which, by the way, I wasn't invited to. As the victim, I would have thought that I would be allowed to be a part of that but I wasn't. They never even told me when the trial was. Then, when I called the DA to ask why they didn't invite me, he told me some BS about how he "gave Rick a pretty tough sentence" considering that fact that the violence occurred while I was so sick. I bet he never had to pee in a cup.

Oh well, he did have to ejaculate into one once when we were trying to have a baby and that was pretty funny. While we were taking the elevator up to the doctor's office he asked me if I would take the "specimen" into the doctor's office rather than him having to carry it. I told him that I would and then the elevator door opened...right into the lobby full of women. Two steps out of the elevator and we were in front of the receptionist. It was pretty funny. At least it was funny to me. Rick didn't see the humor in the situation.

I guess most men don't find that cup job very funny. There's one thing about that particular "donation" that confuses me...how do you guys actually get it IN the cup? I never asked Rick when I had the chance. I probably won't bother him with it now...I can't just call him up and ask, "Hey honey, how did you aim INTO the cup when you gave that specimen?" I'm sure that he would know what I meant, but he would ask me why I was asking and I don't have a really good answer for him. "I want to put it on my blog." probably wouldn't work well. So, if any of you know, I'd appreciate an answer to that question although I don't really expect one.

"These are the things that bother me...not a lot of things across some sea."

I cut myself on a trash bag over at my friends house today and I'm bleeding all over the place. I probably need a stitch or two but I hate emergency rooms. Oh, by the way, she said that she didn't want to be referred to as May on this thing (of course that's not her real name). She wants me to call her Kasey. So, I will. From now on, my friend's name is Kasey. Kasey didn't pay me today and that's a tad distressing. I was going to pay the gas bill with that money but now I can't. I suppose that I could use the money that I found to pay that bill and hope that she really does pay me later. She always has in the past so I have no reason to think that she wouldn't. I just worry about things a lot...that's my job.

Well, I think that I need to put a new bandage on my hand...it's bleeding through the old one.

I'll see you guys later,



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