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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Do you think McKinney should be charged?

If so, send an email to the Mayor of DC at:


Tell him that you're sick of being accused of racism and that no one should be allowed to get away with committing crimes, no matter who they are.

I am going to bang this stupid drum until Ms. McKinney is forced to pay some sort of penalty. I don't think that the media attention is any type of penalty, her constituents would consider it no more than a campaign gimmick.

I want to make McKinney the poster child for people who are sick of being called racist. If Americans don't start defending themselves against false charges of racism, we deserve what we get. Nothing short of an organized effort will put a stop to this treatment. You know that you're not a racist, I know that I'm not a racist and anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a racist.

As soon as my health permits, I'm going to make so much noise that McKinney won't be able to avoid me. If I have to picket her local office, I will. If I have to picket the state capitol, I will. Unfortunately, I can't go to DC right now or I would picket the congressional office building where this started.

If you have any suggestions, email me at megbkelso@gmail.com.

Now, I have to go take care of a few things, but come back later and you'll see some of the things that I have planned for Ms. McKinney and her racist attorney. That man referred to Tom Delay as a "white boy", not once, but twice. So, apparently racism is fine as long as the racist is of color. It's time that non-racists stood up and put a stop to the constant false accusations and I'm just the bitch to try.




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