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Friday, September 08, 2006

Brad, Brad, Brad...

...I gotta give it to you...you have certainly come up with a new and improved reason not to marry the wopig you left your wife for.

In case you haven't heard, Brad Pitt has vowed not to marry the largest lips in the nation until "everyone in the country who wants to marry is legally able to do so".

His refusal to marry Angelina isn't because she's married every other jack ass who fell into her trap. It's not because she's a perv who sucks face with her brother in public, it's not even because she's such a much better actor than he. It's because there are some people in this country who can't afford to drive to a state where gays can marry.

Personally, I could care less. Let them marry...it won't be a marriage as a marriage is a union between a man and a woman. You can call yourself married, it doesn't mean that you are. I can call myself a giraffe but I'm still a female human.

Even if all of the states in the country suddenly allowed people of the same sex to marry, Brad might hold out until Warren Jeffs is allowed to marry as many women as he sees fit. Then we get to wait for NAMBLA to ask for the right to marry little boys.

Oddly, this wasn't a problem when he married Jennifer Anniston. And they didn't even pretend to have children together. I think this shows the ethics of the women involved more than it does Brad's. Brad is just a regular dude trying to avoid marrying some bimbo who brakes up marriages. The chicks each got what they settled for.

Brad has nothing to worry about, there's no way in hell that all 50 states will allow same-sex marriage in our lifetime and even if they did, Hollywood nuts don't stay together that long. Angelina will have broken up 4 more marriages and screwed about 12 other men before 5 states allow same sex marriage. So, Brad is safe.

And the wopig is a moron. How in the world did Brad convince her that his altruistic motives had anything to do with HIS relationship with her? He sucks the milk all the time, he certainly doesn't have to buy the cow.

Well, it's nice to see that there are still men creative enough to avoid marriage yet keep his main squeeze happily next to him. Until he meets another hole that he wants to screw anyway.

Damn, that lip chick is stupid. Of course, we did decide that the women who fool around with married men aren't really known for their brains.



Blogger Laura said...

Yup, I saw that garbage too! Brad and Jolie are the worst role models of this century and the fact that they found each other truly proves that fly's are attracted to shit!

I treat Brad and Jolie just like Tom Cruise...if they come on TV, I flip the channel...I REFUSE to see thier movies. Probably you are right...Brad knows he is just a knotch on her bedpost. I'm sure that hole has been poked so many times that A Naval Armada could said in and sail right back out and she'd never know it!


September 12, 2006  

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