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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Good morning!

I had a good sleep last night and didn't want to get up but alas...the sun says it's daytime. It appears as though I am officially a night nurse, I haven't worked a dayshift in weeks. So, my internal clock doesn't quite know what to do yet.

As I was waiting for my coffee to perk (or is it drip?) I looked at my new refridgerator. You wouldn't know it was new from looking at it...from the outside it's what you might call...Toddler Chic. It's decorated with pictures that my grandchildren drew and those two are getting very good at drawing pictures. That's the best kind of fridge to have, you know. The kind that is covered with pictures of flowers, hearts and rainbows drawn by the hands of a little munchkin. There's not much artwork in the world to evoke such smiles from an adult. I have one that I'd like to take a picture of and put up here...but if I do that I might get booted so I'll write this first and then try to take the picture.

I'm out of my eye make-up remover so my eyes are all funked out with mascara right now. I'd rather not look in the mirror until I feel like soaping up a washcloth and rubbing it on my eyes. I haven't had enough coffee to try that difficult task just yet. You know...I'm still game if any of you women want to ban make-up from our country...just let me know and we'll start a "movement".

Did you guys see the comment from the guy who stayed at that cabin after I did? He got the address to this blog out of the guest book that I signed before leaving. I thought it was so neat to hear from someone else who had stayed there and I hope to hear from more of them. (Yeah...I'm still saying "neat". I've been doing it since the 60's. I stopped for a while and said, "Cool!" and once for a couple of weeks I said, "Myyyyy word!" But my father made me stop doing that...it annoyed him. So, I've pretty much been using "Neat!" for most of my life.)

Anyway, if the guests at the cabin have a chance to write to me immediately after they get back from the cabin, I'm more likely to hear from them. Once they stop basking in the memory and get back to life, they probably won't have the time.

Vacations are funny like that. You spend so much time planning them...and that's actually my favorite part. And then you go and you have so much fun that you keep saying how great everything is. Before you know it you're home and you're still talking about this or that and how nice everything "there" was. And then the alarm clock rings one morning and you go to work and then you don't mention it again for a while. Before you know it, you rarely mention it at all. It's nothing but a memory like all the rest of them. I guess the trick is to make nice memories.

Life is totally like a bunch of vacations...you do all sorts of things, go to school, get married, have kids and even party. All of those "trips" eventually fade away into your memory. At some point, there is nothing left but you and your memories. So, let that knowledge make me concentrate on building some good memories.

There's a lot of sadness back there now and I'd like to avoid any more of that. I can't avoid it totally, but there are some things that I can stay away from. And, if I'm busy making happy memories...I can't be busy making sad ones. I think that's the trick to life...if you don't have a plan, you sort of leave yourself open to bad things. I have to believe that good things happen to people who are actively working on creating happy memories. That makes it very easy to avoid the sad crap.

And the plans don't even have to be really long term, hard plans...they could just be planning trips or decorating a room. Even joining bowling leagues is good, you have something fun to do once a week. Just don't do it on the wrong night. One year I joined a Monday night league and missed Monday Night Football for an entire season. That was stupid.

I was thinking about going back to school. Not full-time...I just want to take classes that I think would help me in my job. I could certainly stand to take some classes...so much has changed. Luckily, the basics never change so you can learn the new stuff easily...I'd just like to understand it a little better. That's what I liked about having so much knowledge years ago...I understood it all. Now they've learned a few more things and I need to see what they're talking about.

OK, that's it for now. I'll be taking a nap at some point and if I wake up in time to check back in, I will. For now, see ya!



Blogger Determined said...

Hey Meg, long time no chat.
I think it's really cool that you take classes in the evenings or part time. That's how I got my four year degree. Of course, you'd learn a lot more, since you are practicing what you learn.

Anyway - I sent you an email, hope to hear from ya soon!

December 07, 2006  

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