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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hi ya'll!

How's it going? Recently I had a problem with the blog and I had to replace the template with my back-up template and I lost a bunch of my links when I did that. There's a bunch of you who's blog I'd like to visit or list on my links and I can't do that because I didn't remember all of them. I have collected a bunch that I do remember and I'm going to add them when I have a half an hour to do that. Ah hell, I'll just do it when I'm done here. I'd just keep putting it off and off. I'm the world's worst procrastinator. I think I mentioned that I did a research paper the night before it was due...6 weeks after it was assigned. And, somehow I got a C on the stupid thing. I didn't know what the hell I was doing then and I still get ibid and op cit mixed up. So, I'll just type in the links that I do remember now...and if you have ever sent me your blog, or if you just want to, send it to me in the comments. I won't post it if you don't want me to.

A recent commentator mentioned that she sends my posts to her boyfriend when I make a point that she can relate to. I wanted to write a post for her to send to her boyfriend...but how would I know whether or not she would relate to it? I might write something for her and she could just wrinkle her brow in confusion. But, I had to take a chance. So, I'm going to write something for her and her boyfriend...and as I type this sentence, I have no clue what I'm about to say. Hhhhmmm....what to write? What to write?

What would this lady say to her boyfriend if she could?

How about this...Honey...first of all, let me thank you for reading this for me. I know it's not something that you would peruse at the check-out stand. So, I appreciate you for being the kind of guy who would even read this crazy chick's blog.

I know I can be a bit confusing at times but I'm not really trying to be. I know it seems as though I get angry over the strangest things and I respect your confusion. But if I FEEL slighted in some way by you, I will react. You may not understand where I'm coming from and that's OK. But try to respect the fact that my feelings were hurt and that's really all that matters. You don't have to apologize for whatever it was that you did or said that upset me...just let me know that you want me to feel better. That's all I really need anyway.

You know, feelings pretty much are what they are...they're not inherently good or bad...they just are. If my feelings are hurt, they're hurt. So whether I'm "right" or "wrong"...and whether you're to blame...it really doesn't matter. All the arguing in the world won't change what I'm feeling. And that's really important because so many arguments happen when one person feels hurt and the other person totally doesn't get it. People want to get defensive because they didn't mean to hurt anyone and anger gets all misguided and before you know it, more feelings are hurt.

And...I shouldn't forget this...as long as there are other females on the same planet as you and I...I will be jealous at times. So will you. When you're jealous, I KNOW there's nothing for you to be jealous about...please know that YOU may know that YOU'RE totally innocent in a certain situation, but consider the fact that you get jealous too. We might have different levels and tolerances, but we all know the feeling. It's not a good one. Help me out here when I need you to.

And, promise me that if I should ever make you feel badly, you will come to me and tell me how I made you feel, don't bitch at whatever it was that I did. If you promise to do that, I'll promise to listen and respect your feelings too. And if you need a hug, anywhere, anytime, anyplace...I've got a great big one for you.

You know what I would like? Making out. Making out is good. I love it when you kiss me.

You know, it's amazing how far a hug will go. And a kiss on the cheek out of nowhere. Take a moment out of a day and look at me...really, really look at me. Tell me what you see.

Let me know how you feel about me in ways that don't cost a dime. An unexpected phone call when you're busy...ten seconds just to say "I love you."

Have fun with me...that's what I'm here for. Let's drive 100 miles away for lunch. We could ask Santa for some Lincoln Logs for Christmas! How long has it been since you've looked for a 4 leaf clover? We need to play some more...in bed and out of it. Playing is fun. If you do it, it becomes a habit. Let's make it a habit to enjoy each other because I really do like you.

I would be remiss if I didn't address sex a tad more darling...I simply must say that all of the things that I've listed above will naturally roll over into the bedroom. And if you should feel the need to have a mistress, let her be me.

Now, I think you should call me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Meg, I'm definitely sending this one to my bf! Thanks, you're the best :)

He's in Atlantic City right now on a "business trip" though, so I don't know if he'll get a chance to read it. Come to think of it, I don't even know if he's (fully) read the ones I've sent him before! But I really hope he does...

You know, feelings pretty much are what they are...they're not inherently good or bad...they just are. If my feelings are hurt, they're hurt. So whether I'm "right" or "wrong"...and whether you're to blame...it really doesn't matter. All the arguing in the world won't change what I'm feeling. And that's really important because so many arguments happen when one person feels hurt and the other person totally doesn't get it. People want to get defensive because they didn't mean to hurt anyone and anger gets all misguided and before you know it, more feelings are hurt.

Everything you said was totally right. ALL OF IT. I understand it, you understand it. Maybe it's a female-thing, but why don't GUYS understand it?? I don't get it.

So many questions, yet so little answers. Such is life, I suppose. Anyway, thanks again Meg and keep up the great work! I'll be reading religiously as usual :)

Take care,

December 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Thank you so much for the kind offer. I'll be working on my "Dear Meg" letter :)

December 14, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


It's just common sense and we think about these things more than they do. We dissect everything they say and we THINK about relationships. They think about...well...nothing.


December 14, 2006  
Blogger benning said...

Excellent pointers/reminders, Meg! Excellent!

December 14, 2006  
Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

I'm printing that and sticking it on my wall...it'll make me realize I'm not the only one out there who "gets it" and I'll have it handy in case there ever is actually a man around who I think could read it and not see "every problem in our life is your fault" on every line...because you know that there is a filter on some men that just translates our words into what they need us to say to justify them being assholes.

Oh, and you had my blog listed but it went away when your blog got messed up. :)


It's not a big deal though, I'm fairly convinced I'm over there talking to myself. LOL And I'm ok with that! It was just a place to talk to myself anyway since talking to my "partner" (HA!) is a waste of time.


December 14, 2006  

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