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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I finally got...

...signed on my dumb computer. It can be a bitch if it wants to be. I made a decision today, I want to go to real estate school. That shouldn't be too tough, I'm pretty smart and the only sales job that I ever had was one that I was very good at.

This nursing thing is hard and although you get paid pretty well, you'll never get rich doing it. So, while Rick still has to pay alimony I'm going to take advantage of the time and go as soon as possible. I'll probably call them in the morning, whomever "them" are, I don't know just yet.

For some stupid reason, I decided to have a few drinks Saturday night. I should know better than to do that because 2 beers gives me a hangover, highballs would just be worse. I don't know how alcoholics do it...I would hate to be sick all the time.

There was a time when I drank until someone said, "MEG!!! WE AIN'T GOT NO MORE LIQUOR!" But I ended up on medication that you couldn't take and drink ANYTHING without getting sick. It was for trigeminal neuralgia, and I had to take it for the jaw pain, nothing else would work. I even tried just drinking so much that I didn't feel the pain and wouldn't need the medicine, but in the end, I just had to stop drinking all together. The pain was that bad and the mixture of the drug and the booze was just too much for me.

I bet it's how people feel when the drink on Antabuse, those pills that are supposed to make you stop drinking. If that stuff is half as potent as the tegretol that I was taking, I KNOW they wouldn't be drinking AND taking the pill. I had a job once where I had to give people their Antabuse because the court ordered verification that someone SAW them take it and we nurses did that. I really liked that job, I was young and most of my patients were guys my age who partied a LOT. I had no idea how sick those guys got when they drank on Antabuse, the tegretol made me hideously sick and that wasn't even made for drinking, it's made for seizures.

Then, one day the medicine stopped working and the pain was constant. I went to a neurosurgeon who evertully did brain surgery and found that I had a bunch of blood vessels wrapped around my trigeminal nerve. Oddly enough, my mother developed the same thing when she was in her early 60's. I got it in my 20's. They said that when a young woman gets it, it's usually a precursor to MS so I had to have scans every 6 months looking for the plaque that gets on your nerves with MS. Anyway, it was basically a structural thing and the doctor isolated the nerve and put a teflon mesh tube around it so that the blood vessels wouldn't impinge the nerve anymore.

And then, I didn't have to take the medicine anymore so what did that mean? It meant that I COULD DRINK AGAIN! But I soon learned that I had developed an aversion to alcohol and I couldn't stand to drink the stuff. I drink just often enough to remind myself not to do that again and Saturday was one of those nights. Usually, I can't finish the second drink, I just get sick and it doesn't taste good. But, every blue moon or something like that, I get "lucky" and I can put back a few. I mixed drinks and that was stupid. I started out with a Long Island Iced Tea and then switched to beer. And then, just for good measure, I knocked back a few Buttery Nipples. I did have a good time, but I sure as hell paid for it Sunday. I couldn't hold down stomach acid, much less food.

I just tried to sleep through it all and that worked pretty well since there was no one around to bug me. I would have hated to have anyone around, it was one of those, "Please, don't speak so loudly and WILL YOU TURN OFF THAT LIGHT!" It was awful. I kept dosing on and off on the couch and I woke up in the middle of the night and I still felt badly, but this morning I was fine.
I wasn't sloppy drunk, just stupid drunk. I put on some dude's jacket to get warm and I ended up leaving in it. I just totally stole his coat. So, somewhere out there, a guy named Wayne is cursing me as he shivers.

I'm going to publish this and then write more, I don't want to lose what I have so far.


Anyway, I am really excited about this real estate thing...what do you guys think? Does anyone know what the housing market is doing lately?

And, I'm working on my handbook, Infidelty for Dummies, on the blog that's not a blog, I add to it, I don't create new ones. I think that if you guys bugged me, I could get better motivated to work on that stuff, Solaris Gal did it already! I'm really motivated to earn a bunch of cash for my kids, but I have to be motivated to sit my ass down and write that thing.

I know it sounds stupid, but I ask my ancestor's for their help. So far that hasn't panned out but I sort of think we owe it to our ancestor's to be the best we can be. After all, they are the ones who survived throughout history...the strong ones. So, we all truly come from a very long line of survivors.

Well, I think that I should go to bed now. That is if my stupid boxer will get off of my bed. The old one can't get up there anymore but before she stopped doing it, she passed the little trick onto my boxer. He's a mutant large boxer and she's a german shepherd/some really huge dog mix. So, they both weigh more than I do. I have to feed 250 pounds of dog everyday.

Oh, I called the vet about Maggie (the old dog) and she said to just give her buffered aspirin so I have been. I can't tell if it's working or not yet. Damn, I just digressed like a mother fucker, I was on my way to bed.

I'll be back in the morning, probably before I call the real estate people. If anyone has any helpful hints, like how to spot a scam set-up, I would really appreciate the information!

OK then, nighty night!



Blogger Determined said...

I think that the real estate thing is a very good idea. Mackenzie1975 is taking those courses as well.

When my husband left me, he left behind his real estate licensing course materials (and the rest of his work and normal stuff lol). I'm thinking of studying the books myself - I think I can make a fortune where I live.

February 20, 2007  

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