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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, March 19, 2007


"...Can you believe that she sent me another email - ridden with lies, of course, and then she has the audacity to apologize?? I really wonder, what's the world coming to. Why can't she just leave me alone? If you're interested in what she said, I've posted it on my blog..."

Yeah, she does but you can't read it today...CAN WE SOLARIS?

Luckily I read it the other day. I wanted to get some snippets and maybe I will when Solaris opens the blog back up. Solaris put some of her own comments in the email that the ho sent to the wife of her fuckbuddy (Someone said it was 1 word.). And, in those comments she pointed out evidence of colleen lombardi (I've decided she doen't deserve capital letters anymore) telling lies. She needn't have bothered.

You know how things are said to "have a ring of truth" to them? Well that entire email has the ring of bullshit to it. If I had that bitch on the witness stand for 5 minutes I'd rip her story to shreds. She's a manipulative bitch...and a miserable one at that. I admit that I'm a bitch, but I'm a happy bitch. And we all know that misery loves company to she has to TRY to spread hers around..but it's not working. So, she's changing her strategy.

This latest letter is just the same old shit using a different tact. That letter was written by someone desperate to save their own reputation. The usual stuff hasn't worked so she's bringing on this story...something about tea leaves and she apologizes, and I'm paraphrasing, "I'm sorry if you didn't like my innocent behavior" when we all know that the behavior that she ADMITS to alone is ho-ish! You don't even need to read anything that Solaris writes, this nut's behavior is a deviation from the norm in society... so one can logically assume that she is therefore a deviant. Some people deviate with farm animals, some with their cousins...this one is just a ho who blows married men. She's the type of ho that surrounds herself with men because she can use them. Her outlook on life pretty much reads..."There's a man for every purpose and a purpose for every man." So, when she tries this crap on other woman, she doesn't realize that we aren't as stupid as guys...WE KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO! So do decent guys, by the way.

She tried to dis Solaris...ever so discretely, but, and I admit it's a curse...but I have an amazing insight into the minds and motives of other people and I can tell by the emails what the ho's motives are. And, I can tell that this one is seriously afraid of something. Of what, I do not know. But, it's obvious that she has stolen a husband and wants to manipulate everyone to forgive her and see her as an unpstanding citizen...HA! She's doing her best to shut Solaris up. Now she fakes, and poorly I might add, honesty in an attempt to calm the fury of a woman scorned. Is she nuts? The only thing that will calm our fury is when karma works it's mojo on her fat ass. Then, all will be right with the world.

In the meatime, back to the letter. Beware of anyone who never, ever admits to one wrong thing...that's not possible in an affair. There was a point at which they had a decision to make and they made the wrong decision for selfish reasons. The emails prove what a selfish wopig colleen is.

Her desperation is evident in the numbers of emails that she is sending Solaris. This chick needs some Dr. Phil anger now. "Fucking married men? How's that working for you?" What I like is that if the ho reads this, she would see that I have her totally pegged and she will try something else...only an idiot would keep up with a strategy after her method is exposed.

Trust me, I know of what I speak. No third rate whore is going to outsmart me.

Gotta go take a nap, I'll be back when I wake up.

See ya,



Blogger Determined said...

Meg - I'm not doing this on purpose. The reason why I closed down the blog temporarily is because someone (who doesn't have anything better to do) had posted up one of my blogger friends' full name and complete private information. (should have moderated my comments) I figured that if i pulled the thing down temporarily, her name wouldn't "cache" on the seach engines.

Here's the mistresses email:

Subject: Explaination of the Text Messages:

In response to your current comment on the text messages:

Ever since the first time you asked me about the text messages I knew if you heard the truth you would never believe it. This is what happened - believe it or not ......
On a Thursday night in early March I had an appointment to see a tea left reader in Y at KC on CPA- Her name is Rxxx - She only works on Tuesday and Thursday nights and I am never able to go because it would require me to get a babysitter (and I am too cheap to pay a babysitter to go with my friends... ) -

anyway, my kids had plans and I really wanted to go so I made an appointment for 2 people to have readings.

Another friend really wanted to go too but canceled at the last minute. I was very disappointed because I really wanted to go for months and now that I had a free evening and an appointment & I had to go by myself. I know many people who have been to her and had very upsetting readings - I really didn't want to go to the 6pm appt by myself. I asked a friend from work to go - He was teaching class that night and couldn't go.

I asked another friend from work to go - She wanted to go (and eventually DID go but not that night as she too was busy) so I asked another person from work - he too was into astrology etc and thought it would be fun - That would be Solaris's husband.

We took separate cars to the appointment. When I arrived I found he was already there. We had a short discussion about who would go first (if you go first, after the 30 minute reading you have to sit by yourself, analyzing the info you just got - all by yourself - if you go second, when you come out you have someone to talk to at least). We decided He would go first. He came out and said he thought he was going to throw up - I went in for my reading - when I emerged 20 minutes later we shared the stories of our readings over a Guiness (it is an Irish Pub and I still had 35 minutes before I needed to retrieve my kids) ..... the two stories were so funny, heartbreaking and similar - also a good chunk of it was crap, which we both knew. We spent 34-40 minutes talking about the readings and went home

The next few days we joked about it on and off all day at work - because of the nature of the work we did sometimes we would see each other all day and sometimes not for days - when business things were going on we would text each other instead of call - saving time - sometimes we texted the joking references from the readings too

Unfortunately Solarisgal got caught in the cross fire from the readings and the text messages - they were always sent in good fun, never with the intention to hurt anyone - I had no idea their home life was so volatile or I never would have asked him to go to begin with -

I had met Solaris in person and had been in their company as a couple - I never knew their relationship was in trouble - actually, it was none of my business if it was - well, she intercepted the messages, when he was sleeping and flew off the deep end - breaking the phone in two pieces, shoving the work boots down the garbage shoot - you know all the stories -

That is where the text messages came from -

PS - The reading was 100% "on" about some things - other things she said just made me laugh like "you will have a baby girl with him - I laughed - with "who" I asked - R replied with "Your fine looking Scorpio Friend .......

That is the joke - that is where the messages came from - believe it or not .....In HIS reading, she told him "You will have two sons and a daughter -
When we sat down to compare notes on the readings we found that funny, weird, creepy, crap.
You can pass judgement all day long about whether or not we should have gone, whether or not we should have joked about it, whether or not I was over the line about texting the jokes back and forth - I can see that debate but it was really done very innocently and got way out of hand - Solaris flew off the end of the ship and never returned - she was last seen spinning around in a circle like a crazy person.

Well, the wait is over - that is what happened. I had no idea (The Tea Leaf lady didn't tell me all this would be the outcome a year later). Look - I didn't just fall off the Apricot truck - was I out of line for having an inside joke with a married man? Maybe - but I had met Solaris - we had talked a few times - I would never have done it if I thought for a minute this would be the result. Solaris? I am sorry for texting your husband about an inside joke - it got out of hand and you got hurt. I am sorry.
PS - Solaris? You should go and see her - she is across the street from Yxxx Rxxx - Tues and Thurs from 6pm - 9pm - The cost is $30 for the reading and for $10 more you can have anything you want to eat on the dinner menu (I recommend the Shepards Pie) - it will change your life! It sure changed mine!

That's how she explains her text messages which were:

"call me if u can - i;ll be up! if not, know i am sleeping, thinking of u wrapped around me"


"Yes, my fine looking Scorpio friend - you will be just fine - u going to sleep yet? If so, sweet dreams - dream of me"


"k just thinking of our little daughter togheter"

March 19, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

and another thing: You raise an interesting point - what's going on over there? Why is she writing me these emails? I began to speculate that perhaps her relationship with my ex husband is not going too well, but if that were the case, she wouldn't have co-signed the car loan with him just last month.

March 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Meg :) I wasn't able to comment a few days ago, so I'm trying again now. I followed up on your blowjob post on my blog, and hoped to engage a discussion. I hope you get a chance to check that out and that it may be something you're interested in commenting about. The post is titled "bj engagement". Thanks! :)

March 19, 2007  
Blogger Karin's Korner said...

Meg, I just need to let you know that I also, am a bitch. I love being a bitch and I would love to sit one on one with that ho-bitch colleen lombardi. Also...Solaris, if you are reading this, I also am waiting for you to open up your blog!!

March 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree if all was good she wouldnt be using her money to dig him deeper and deeper into her grasp, maybe it was her flash of cash they seduced him initially, whatever it was if it wasnt pure clean love and obviously it isnt it wont last the 10 yrs he was married to you sol.He is one foolish foolish man and his time will come, colleen will survive just fine on the surface but the guilt will haunt her forever.

March 19, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Solaris is SOOOO much better off. The fact that the hubby even has to HAVE a co-signer at this point shows that he's not much of a catch. When the novelty wears off, colleen will be ever so sorry. Maybe she's even realized it already...and it's coming out as this anger that she may or may not realize that she spews such anger forth and even stoops to make a self-serving half assed apology.

March 19, 2007  

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